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all bandits


About Me

My Interests


Cockney Rejects, Skrewdriver, Cock Sparrer, Condemned84, Combat 84, 4Skins, Last Resort, Blitz, Business, Section5, the Crack, Indecent Exposure, Bohse Onkelz, Endstuffe, Exploited, Kampfzone, Brutal Combat, Midgards Soner, Mistreat, Steelcapped Strength, Headhunters, Ultima Thule, Perkele, the Pride, Evil Conduct, Skinflicks, Beltones, Voice of a Generation, Vanilla Muffins, Stiff Little Fingers, Ramones, Misfits, Motorhead, RoseTatto, AC/DC, Social Distortion, the Bones, US Bombs, Dropkick Murphys, Rancid, Discipline, ... and too many to list, basically a lot of Oi!, VikingRock, Punk, RAC, ... just say no to rap, R&B and techno!!!


Braveheart, FightClub, NaturalBornKillers, RomperStomper, ClockworkOrange, MontyPython'sFlyingCircus,