feudal Japan, anti-bush, paganism, atlanta, Peter Beagle, anime, bdsm, clubbing, comics, dancing, dragoncon, dvds, ethics, fantasm, filmmaking, films, foxes, gaming, girls, kubrick, mercedes lackey, movies, orgies, paganism, porn, ranma, sci-fi, sci-fi conventions, sex, spanking, spankings, strip clubs, swinging, tori amos, weres, women, writing, singing, musicals, buffy, firefly, angel, foxes, kitsune, cowboy bebop, history, science, nekkid, mythology, kevin smith, people, girlz, burlesque, kink, flogging, persephone, hermes, adult swim, aqua teen hunger force, Neil Gamian, Sandman, more to come later...
Interesting people. I'm always looking for new friends, and as long as your a decent person who has an open mind we should get along fine.
Damn near anything, but especially Tori Amos, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Weird Al, The Killers, D12, Eminem, Dido, Fiona Apple, Metallica(pre-sell out), Johnny Cash and Willy Nelson. or as I said, damn near anyhting else,
Lets go with a list of favorites in no particular order: Lost in Translation, The Last Unicorn, Dogma, Fight Club, Boondock Saints, The Last Samurai, Austin Powers, Happy Gilmore, Ocean's 11
Angel, Buffy, Firefly, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, Aqua Teen Huner Force, The West Wing, Teen Titans, Sealab
I'll read nearly anything, but two of my favorite authors are Mercedes Lackey and Peter Beagle.