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I couldn't agree with me more

About Me

Born and raised in Brazil, the musician and producer Dc was surrounded by music from birth. “I dabbled in playing trumpet, flute, sax...” but at 14 years old Dc found his passion in life, six strings. Playing for his church worship and choirs, whilst trawling the bible for any backup for his arguments with the minister to keep his long hair, and that the worship should be rock. At this time he formed his first (punk) band, since than didn't stop it.
Aspiring to the model of stability and comfort idealised by society, Dc got his BA in accounting, all that would be left behind when Dc was called to work with one of the largest Brazilian Rock Bands – Oficina G3, which led him to a life on the road, touring South America for 2 years...
However, the dreams of other lands offering rock, fame and the devil that haunted Dc led him to wonder the globe in search of a country which would give him a legal status and a band to fit his critical ear...initially the USA.
Fast forward a few years of nasal erosion, nomadic journeys and lost wonderings better left unmentioned, plus various bands and shows, Dc emerged from the haze and found himself in Florida, divorced twice, with everything gone. “Don’t ever risk everything you have in a single bet”. Investing in the wrong people and bands lead to his eviction from his apartment, the repossession of his car and the loss of all his savings...
“The Black Cave”, as Dc and his friend Madixx describe their new “home”, AvvA’s birthplace and scene of their struggle to survive, with no running water or toilet whilst recording on a computer with no functioning keyboard “We had nothing, just lots of creativity to make music” was where they created “The Black Cave” album. After many temptations and much debauchery Dc and Madixx went their separate ways...
The biggest temptation was when Dc received a call from Lennon an American rock singer offering him a position to tour as her guitarist; opening for his heroes Motley Crue and Aerosmith on “Route of Evil tour” his dreams seemed finally to be coming true...One week before the tour, Dc was out for immigration status reasons.
His anger and disappointment was channeled into a new band named SoSA, after recording 10 new “mad” songs and amidst plans to move to Miami, Dc was offered the role of producer and sound engineer in C&D production, a recording studio in Orlando. "After almost a year working with other peoples Music, I had to go back playing my own music, but I was tired of immigrations problems!"
After a taste of Europe, Dc landed in the U.K.
He was joined a few months later by Maddix as they had decided to reform Avva, and began organising a UK tour. After recording a song Avva broke up due to unforeseen circumstances.
By Himself Dc decide to go solo, with new material coming out and a album named "Devolution" in the way Dc is back, at this time instrumental. “To survive in the music industry is hard, but I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.”

My Interests


Member Since: 7/29/2005
Band Website: youtube.com/dcsosa

Sounds Like: A Heart Attack

Dc play solos from his former band AvvA "Lust Fuels Decay" and "My Child".

This is a old video... I just feel like posting for a couple days...

Type of Label: None

My Blog


That's right....SoSA is still looking for singer...A good friend for the Band helped us out recording some vocals for "Step Back" one of the singles of the debut album "Eat the Pain"....So, no guys......
Posted by SoSA on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 07:09:00 PST