*Natural Disaster* profile picture

*Natural Disaster*

Just Fear Me, Love Me, Do As I Say And I Will Be Your Slave...

About Me

I thought I should write a little something here, as well as the general stuff on the right.
Anyway, as with everyone all people in my life will have a different take on my personality.
From my point of view, I suppose I'm a pretty erratic person in the sense of: I can come across as being really talkative, confident, flirtatious and social in one light and be really awkward, shy and withdrawn at other times. I can have these personality extremes around strangers as well as those who are closest.
I get fed up when I'm continuously around people, I suppose I generally prefer it to be on my terms and in my territory and in doses - Ultimately I prefer to be alone with my animals.
I've found alot of people in my life find things like this difficult to take but it's part of who I am so fuck it! It would be nice in an ideal world to have a mate with a shared understanding but I doubt if I'll ever have that and honestly don't know if I want it anymore (sounds daft coming from 22 year old I'm sure but I have too many years on top of that for my own good!)
As with alot of people I'm not special in that it takes alot for me to get really emotionally involved with others this is because I am very tied to my emotions and I can't let go of intense ones easily. In my experience few understand their own emotions enough to be able to respect those of others, hence all the hurt in the world when it comes to people and relationships.
I wouldn't say I'm too sensitive however, I've just never met anyone who's empathetic enough of me, including friends.
I'm better at communicating in the written word rather than the spoken (my shy awkwardness can't take over then.) From the rest of my profile it's clear I'm a huge animal lover - true feelers of the world! I appreciate all species apart from fleas - I really don't understand the need for those wee fuckers!
I currently share my dwellings with four felines ("Lady Obsidian Freya", "Gabriel", "Sarafin", and "Loki".) Six Lagamorphs ("Missy", "Ezme", "Tye", "Amber", "Madaline", and "Nexus.") Two amphibians ("Uziel" and "Pyrial.") Five reptiles ("Dominigue", "Sith", "Jenky", "Ero" and "Lector.") aswell as one other human, "John." Career wise I have too many plans and know that I'll make them ALL happen! As well as heavy plans to have my own Small animal boarding/rescue facility (to narrow it down!) I also plan on taking my writing and photography further together. This will probably be done using an alias because of my 'shy' side and alot of my creative side is very personal to me without the need for dissection by those who may see aspects of themselves.
Anyway I suppose there's too much to narrow down into one of these things so I'll end it here and you can interpret for yourself.
Just don't expect to be right!
RV xxx

My Interests

The Lunar cycle, Literature, Music, Art, Animals, Nature, Listening to whats benieth, Faith, Corsetry, Spirituality, Animal Rights and Welfare, Symbolism, Photography, Mythology, Tarot, Healing, Yoga, Fairytails, Folklore, Emotions, Writing, Gigging, Divination, Aromatherapy, Massage, Angel Lore, Caligraphy, Sexuality, Latex, Cooking, Dreams analysis, Talking but I'm better at listening, Vegetarianism, Eroticism, The Black Rabbit, Going for long walks and my newest addiction...Little Apple Dolls

I'd like to meet:

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I've always been very passionate about music. I love the way different feeling can be put accross in music, how you can be instantly taken to another plain of thought and emotion.
I've been going to live gigs since my pre teens and get an extreme buzz from the energy and camiderie of the live experience. Whether it be well developed artists or new local artist. And I can be ridiculously critical or complimentary at times, honesty never faulters.
My musical tastes are very eclectic, I have appreciation of artists from most genres. My all time faviourite band being R.E.M.


I do enjoy a good movie and as with everyhting else my taste here is also very ecclectic, My favourite actor is most deffinately Tom Hanks, I don't think there's ever been a movie of his I haven't enjoyed...I love his diversity. I also paticularly like: Velvet Goldmine, Baz Luhermans Romeo and Juliet, Still Crazy, Edward Scissor Hands, Boys Don't Cry, The Labrynth, The LOTR trilogy, Watership Down, The Hellraiser movies A.I, Gatacca, The Freddy movies,The House movies,American Beauty, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Ginger Snaps Trilogy, Devils Advocate, Heavenly Creatures, Jude, 28 Days Later, Mothman Prophesies etc.


I rarely watch T.V. Due to lack of time and interest I guess.
I'm more of a boxset viewer if there's anything that catches my interest, including: BTVS, Angel, Hex, Tru Calling, Charmed, The League Of Gentlemen, Black Books, 24, Twin Peaks, Family Guy, Two Pints Of Lager and A Packet Of Crisps and I do enjoy most National Geographic type documentaries aswell.


I read alot, like music and art literature can take you to other realms. You could say I'm a bit of a dreamer at times I enjoy reading a variety of different things, from Poetry, Horror, Religeous, Erotica,All things animal related etc.
I love everything I've read by: Poppy Z Brite, Saul Bellow, Vivian Crowely & Silvia Plath. At the moment I'm going through Laurell K. Hamiltons Anita Blake series and her Merideth Gentry Novels with a few side lines, she is a deffinate new favourite at the moment....

My Blog

Break Her Down

Break her down piece by piece.Turn her stregnth into her never ending weekness, eternal pain.Make her draw her true push away.Break her down so that final moment you took her.Pounded her as she wept&n...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:30:00 PST


I'm sorry...For not being able to look you in the eye anymore.For letting you lie to yourself for so long.For letting you hurt me and yourself.For what we lost in one another.For not being able to kis...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST

Just Lustfull

I was lustful, that's what I felt at the core. He thought it was over him, felt special, she did too, they all have.In truth it is simply the wondrous feeling of anothers warm skin spread down every ...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 03:53:00 PST

I know You Still Try To Watch

I know...I know that you're still breathing and within just a few of those precious breathes you still look for me. And I know you don't understand why.Lost in the little world you've fallen into. Yet...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:48:00 PST

Cracking Shadows

He's the light breaking through my dark. Making cracked shadows. Pictures on my soul, seductively dancing Images on these walls.Helping me smile...He doesn't know, never knows.Strange, ignorant of sel...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 07:40:00 PST

Dream Of My Beast

Was It you my darling who whispered hell in my ear as I slept?As I lay quiet in this world dreaming my little fantasies.Entwined with you and my Darkness, benieth those satin sheets.I could hear your...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 05:06:00 PST

That World In A Room (Part One)

In the corner she gained his trust.In his shackled chair she made him watch.Watch her swim in her torturous delight.And watch him watch with her stabbing eyes.Kissing him in varient solutions, Kissin...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:26:00 PST

Hide It

In her Horror ball crouched and wrapped in organza, trying to keep it out. She waits and it'll never be long enough but they can't leave without her.Stuck in her black fabric ball, she hopes they can'...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:19:00 PST


Listening to Miss Jones with a jut back to so many moments. Always beginning with the soft dancing flame in that first dwelling space. Dancing light across that face I could perfectly sketch with eyes...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:59:00 PST

Colour Me Grey-Green

A look into another world...I had that once.Green and Glad.Seeing tares...Baring forever tears.How can I bannish the mark...Mark of lost hope...Lost love...Forbidden envy.Colour me grey-green.Glance f...
Posted by *Natural Disaster* RV on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST