The Lunar cycle, Literature, Music, Art, Animals, Nature, Listening to whats benieth, Faith, Corsetry, Spirituality, Animal Rights and Welfare, Symbolism, Photography, Mythology, Tarot, Healing, Yoga, Fairytails, Folklore, Emotions, Writing, Gigging, Divination, Aromatherapy, Massage, Angel Lore, Caligraphy, Sexuality, Latex, Cooking, Dreams analysis, Talking but I'm better at listening, Vegetarianism, Eroticism, The Black Rabbit, Going for long walks and my newest addiction...Little Apple Dolls
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I've always been very passionate about music.
I love the way different feeling can be put accross in music, how you can be instantly taken to another plain of thought and emotion.
I've been going to live gigs since my pre teens and get an extreme buzz from the energy and camiderie of the live experience. Whether it be well developed artists or new local artist. And I can be ridiculously critical or complimentary at times, honesty never faulters.
My musical tastes are very eclectic, I have appreciation of artists from most genres. My all time faviourite band being R.E.M.
I do enjoy a good movie and as with everyhting else my taste here is also very ecclectic, My favourite actor is most deffinately Tom Hanks, I don't think there's ever been a movie of his I haven't enjoyed...I love his diversity. I also paticularly like: Velvet Goldmine, Baz Luhermans Romeo and Juliet, Still Crazy, Edward Scissor Hands, Boys Don't Cry, The Labrynth, The LOTR trilogy, Watership Down, The Hellraiser movies A.I, Gatacca, The Freddy movies,The House movies,American Beauty, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Ginger Snaps Trilogy, Devils Advocate, Heavenly Creatures, Jude, 28 Days Later, Mothman Prophesies etc.
I rarely watch T.V. Due to lack of time and interest I guess.
I'm more of a boxset viewer if there's anything that catches my interest, including: BTVS, Angel, Hex, Tru Calling, Charmed, The League Of Gentlemen, Black Books, 24, Twin Peaks, Family Guy, Two Pints Of Lager and A Packet Of Crisps and I do enjoy most National Geographic type documentaries aswell.
I read alot, like music and art literature can take you to other realms. You could say I'm a bit of a dreamer at times
I enjoy reading a variety of different things, from Poetry,
Horror, Religeous, Erotica,All things animal related etc.
I love everything I've read by: Poppy Z Brite, Saul Bellow, Vivian Crowely & Silvia Plath.
At the moment I'm going through Laurell K. Hamiltons Anita Blake series and her Merideth Gentry Novels with a few side lines, she is a deffinate new favourite at the moment....