Button*Masher is a two piece coed band based out of Louisville, Kentucky whose sound will mash your buttonsharder than a nymphomaniac at prom. Formed in 2004, Button*Masher has spent the last few years perfecting theircraft in live imagery, electronic composition, and song writing. While the most viable description of theirsound is "Electro-Rock", it has evolved to encompass much more than this including: Cabaret, Glam, Dance, Pop,Industrial, Hip Hop, and Classical. With a tenacious desire for making their live act more than just yourstereotypical stand-and-play rock show, Button*Masher has forged a colorful blend of live antics and crowdinteraction. While only playing a limited amount of shows, they have created a local hype and shared the stagewith the likes of: tUB rING, Foxy Shazam!, Femme Fatality, The Revenants, Gaj Mustfa Cell, Vampire Squid, andothers.
Currently Button*Masher is hard at work recording their debut album in Chicago with Rob Kleiner (tUB rING).Containing around 17 tracks, the album is expected to be released late this summer with a supporting tourfollowing shortly after. You can also expect to see them earlier this summer on their mini tour in Californiawith friends, Vyncent Flaw.