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My Interests

Morrissey, songs by Morrissy, pictures of Morrissey, art, music, news that is actually newsworth, my children, sewing, dollwar, caffeine laced liquids, fashion (how cliche, I know), life in general

I'd like to meet:

everyone I'd like to meet is dead....Frida, Picasso, Sirius Black, Oscar Wilde


Morrissey,The Smiths,Depeche Mode,Berlin, Echo and the Bunnymen, Section 25, Fugazi, Bob Mould, Blue October, The Cure, New Order, INXS, Public Enemy, X Clan, Dave Matthews Band,Big Daddy Kane, Dwight Yoakum, Bjork, Tori Amos, Christina Aguilera, old U2,X, Rob Zombie, Hoodoo Gurus, Vivaldi, Texas, Willie Nelson...really, anything but that crap like 50 cent or Beyonce


o Brother where art thou, Scarface, Pride and Prejudice (BBC version), Love Actually, anything with Benicio del Delicious...err, I mean del Toro, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Shakes the Clown, Hot Rod


Which Smiths Song Are You?
You're "Cemetary Gates" ! You're smarter than other people, with their trite romanticized ideas about things. You have a wicked sense of satire.
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Portrait of Dorian Gray, A Woman of Independant Means, anything Harry Potter


Sirius Black, Frida, Moz, Jeb

My Blog

bad friend

okay, i'm not really a bad friend, (by the way, don't know if i've ever mentioned that Dalton broke off the "shift" key to my laptop which is why i usually don't use caps. the lack of capital "i"...
Posted by Hillary on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 10:26:00 PST


So, yes, Brian and I go out occasionally but it's generally to the clubs where it's a given that people will be drunk and obnoxious.  Last night we decided to go to my favorite French restaurant ...
Posted by Hillary on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:25:00 PST

Sitting in limbo

I hate feeling helpless.  Jeb is in ICU in Fort Worth and all I can do is sit here at my laptop and write about it.  Brian and I talked about going up there but they aren't allowing visitors...
Posted by Hillary on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 06:14:00 PST

Toujours Pur

So we got three copies of the last Harry Potter Book - one for me, one for Mercy and one for Brian. I can usually read them in about 6 hours but I relished every word of this last book and it took me ...
Posted by Hillary on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:47:00 PST

I still maintain

 My mantra has always been "Maintain". This has been especially effective when I'm very down. If I maintain this facade of everything being okay, then sooner or later it will be.From Morrissey's ...
Posted by Hillary on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:07:00 PST

Good Morning

It's nice to wake up and have nobody in the house.  I can make my coffee and hop on the computer without interruption. I've never been a morning person and the last thing I want is to be bombarde...
Posted by Hillary on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:52:00 PST

moz concert

So I can't believe I haven't written about the Morrissey concert.  I had tickets years and years ago and then he cancelled. Whitney got tickets two years ago and....he cancelled. Yes, he was here...
Posted by Hillary on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 06:54:00 PST


Dollwar. I wouldn't call it an obsession.....it's not like I get the jitters if it's offline (which is rare but does happen)...but I sure do enjoy it.  And I probably spend way too much time on i...
Posted by Hillary on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:14:00 PST


I hate this feeling....cabin fever...boredom....restlesness. Bri and I were supposed to go out with Jeb tomorrow but he cancelled. Keith really wanted to see the kids, especially since we cancelled go...
Posted by Hillary on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 08:40:00 PST

what an unusual evening

So summer has been rather interesting. As both kids will be attending private school this year (Dalton was accepted into St. Francis - yea!) we chose not to enroll them in any camps so that we could s...
Posted by Hillary on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:00:00 PST