Brian: The Other White Meat profile picture

Brian: The Other White Meat

Give yourself over to absolute pleasure

About Me

Make sure to check out my Xanga site HERE BITCHES

R.I.P. Matthew Harvey Malone Visit the Memorial Site (Click the Pic)

This is the truest thing I have ever fucking seen so you should probably read it. If it offends you then get the fuck over it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ten Things Idiots Do On Myspace
there is NO SUCH THING as a myspace tracker. it does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like "OH-EM-GEEEEE this WORKS!!!" no, it doesnt.
To the people who have like 25,000 friends, are you serious? You're stupid. Go play in traffic.
Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG, I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. And if u do ur a freaking mongoloid.
Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting .. is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded.
Quit crying b/c you're not on someones top 8. who cares? ITS FREAKING MYSPACE!!!
Who really gives a rip if I don't accept you as a friend? MOVE ON!!! Don't send me another request or message asking "what's up with you not adding me?" I don't want you as a friend, that's what's up!
Little underage girls who have MySpace and look like hookers, and act like ho's go somewhere else because nobody wants you here.
If you have decided to read this, you are a true MySpace Friend. Real friends read their bulletins.
pass this on and maybe it will finally get through people's brains
And if you open a bulletin and it says something like "repost this in 100 seconds or a ghost will rape your dog tonight," QUIT BEING A MORON
This is a test to see how many people in your friends list actually pay attention to you.
If you don't ~ ummmm, not a damn thing will happen, this is just the best bulletin I've seen. Guess what, if you do, nothing will happen either, except maybe some dumb jerk people will get the hint. So, don't worry, you don't have to make a wish, or scroll down to see what will happen.
Repost this with..
"10 things idiots do on Myspace"

My Interests

Stuff that doesnt suck and sleeping

You are a Slutcom 4, and um... wow. They look at you. They blink. You pounce. Your room is characterized by a "Now Serving" counter above your bed and a "Take a Number" box outside your door. Anyone who enters your lair is required to be irradiated before leaving. We're talking two people in a night, multiple hook-ups each weekend... dirrty.
Take the slutcom litmus test!
The slutcom litmus test originated in A Word of Advice .


Free Countdown Clocks at ....

Free Countup Timers at ....

I'd like to meet:

Jenna Jameson,my self, Daisy Duke,Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Kasey Kahne, the oscar meyer weiner mobile,that 70's chick, debbie from debbie does dallas, and Dustin Sowards

I found this on someone elses page and I like to copy people because I think I am better than everyone and thought that I would put it on my page too !!!!


Aerosmith*, Kiss*, BOBAFLEX*, Sevendust*, Finger Eleven*, Static-X*, Nirvana, 12 v negative earth*, split nixion*, godsmack*,MY chemical RomancE,Zero King*,chevelle*, earshot*,MOnster Magnet*,LIT*,Garbage*,3DoorsDown*,12 Stones*,Staind*,3Days Grace*,Black Stone Cherry*,80's Stuff, 80's Metal, 80's Hair Bands, basically anything that doesnt suck (those marked with a (*) i have seen in concert)


Anything b or cult, anything from the 80's, umm that one with that one dude in it, the lion king, grease, the crow, empire records, full metal jacket (it make me so hoony, me love it long time), weird science, dark harvest, dazed and confused(the story of my life),THE DUKES OF HAZZARD,and some others that i'll think of later


THe DUkes (YES AGAIN), after school specials, sponge bob, and just about anything interesting


anything with words that i can spell


Steven Tyler, cheese, the spoon man,Bo and Luke Duke, my little pony, that one dude with the hair, that other dude with the arms,superman,Kasey Kahne, the thunder cats(all of them), heman, and that chic with the boobs


My Blog

The Meaning Of Life

what is the true meaning of life does anyone know , does anyone care.could it be le fromage en la salle de bain? or just to learn from living?let me know what you think.(PLEASE!!!!!!!!)...
Posted by Brian: The Other White Meat on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 11:30:00 PST