I'm Mike.
I like music. I like computers. I like food. I like hanging with my friends. I like going out. I like...stuff. I don't know what the hell to put here. Ask me.
AIM - HitWithABrick
The D&D Alignment Test:
Neutral Evil
(You scored 47% Law vs Chaos and 38% Good vs Evil!)
Neutrality and Evil in a nutshell:
-In regard to Law vs. Chaos, neutral characters are fairly well balanced. They believe that their morality, or lack thereof, is more important than what is legal or illegal.
-Evil characters are selfish and uncaring. They place themselves before all others and tend to have a mean streak.
Your Alignment:
"The Malefactor"
You are not nice at all. You choose not to do what is right, and you choose to be mean to people. Since you are not Chaotic, it is apparent that this mean streak of yours is not due to a lack of structure or reliability. In other words, your cruelty is a matter of choice.
You are simply mean, selfish, and bitter at heart. Way to go.
Link: The D&D Alignment Test