oodlepay babs profile picture

oodlepay babs

I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

still living. i have re-discovered my love of jello-except green and yellow-i love that popcorn that pops inside out-i love all animals-but am afraid of a few-i really think those new desert mice are way cute-i have great friends-i can color-i hate to type-and kinda i think i hate to talk on the phone too-i should have gone to vet school-i love coffee drinks-no fake cream-no sugar-brandy ok-i love the smell of clove-i would be a great housewife-if i had a great house-i own 2 drills and a dremel tool-i am a licensed cosmetologist-i wear a lot of black-

my cat is 20 and on steroids she doesn't play ball tho.




My Interests

whats in that jar on alfred hitchcock,varmits...cutie pies...the people across the street...

I'd like to meet:

other living people..and a lot of dead ones...oh and Craig Fergusen again...and lots of artists...and someone to teach me all they know...cheetah...that interior decorater on oprah...any footloose and fancy freeee plastic surgeon who needs a demo chick...an irish bartender in Florida...tippi hendren...drew carey...all my homegirls everyday for lunch...an inventor...someone who likes to throw clay...mr. dreamboat...




weird or funny


comforting background noise while doin chores...Alfred Hitchcock..."the Jar"...and I love repeats of night gallery, because people like Debbie Harry etc. are on....very heavy item


i like myself a magazine, or picture books...or cookbooks... and photography books...art books...antique books...pop up books...checkbooks...


my mama,my sister, my grandma, and my grandpa and most of my family members...animal protectors...lassie...rin tin tin

My Blog

Young@Heart & David Byrne - Heaven

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpiNbonlKL0 ...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:55:00 PST

what happens to old friends?

sam the dog was my best friend. we spent everyday together, back when dogs and kids wondered into anyones yard, unoticed, no boundaries, no fences that couldn’t be hopped over. he wasn’t e...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:23:00 PST


Kelly-get my number from mike...Mike give my number to Kelly... I'm working like crazy on copyright stuff but will be more prone to answer the phone by Tuesday...you know me...Love you guys- Babs...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:53:00 PST

Going out to dinner...getting back in the swing of things...

Well, the last time I went out to dinner, I couldn't finish it...cause i felt a little off...and then it began...the plaque. Well I'm  feeling footloose and frisky so...back to the scene of the c...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 04:42:00 PST

Sorry I missed ya Big Sandy..........

Well another night at home-catching up on work...i don't think it's possible. I am sooo glad i am better- I think i have been sick since before christmas! IT'S THE WORST "COLD" I HAVE HAD IN YEARS. It...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 12:24:00 PST

ok-i think i may be cured...or well rested at least..

I slept for like 10 hours ...and i woke up..no headache-no sniffles-could it be the plague has left my home? i hope so because i am so behind on work...and cocktails...i even made cupcakes today...so ...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 07:07:00 PST

Sick of being Sick

OK I am over it. I am having no fun with the niquil, brandy, etc. I want my mommy. I miss my bartenders. The pets are bored, shaggy, and planning something. If the electricity goes off I will kill mys...
Posted by oodlepay babs on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 05:17:00 PST