Pyro profile picture



About Me

Pyro is best known as one of So Cal's Best Party Promoters & Producers, but at heart, he is a lover of life, and purveyor of dreams. He has a vivid imagination, and a keen mind for business with his uncanny ability to predict the “next big thing”.
Pyro has many interests, his favorite being entertaining people! Whether it be putting together the perfect party, performing comedy, doing a fire performance, or creating live music. Over the years Pyro picked up a pretty unique talent. He has always enjoyed playing with fire, and progessively moved up to eating, breathing, spinning (poi), and manipulating it with a staff.
"I love to meet new people who are made from the same fabric that I am. We only have one time on this rock,and you really have to make the most of it". ~Pyro
Pyro is currently involved in a couple of different business endeavors, such as: Special Event Production, and Talent Management (you can read more below about Pyroglobal Media & Entertainment, or click on the banner). Pyroglobal is always looking to network, so if you interested in planning a special event drop us a line.
Pyroglobal is your source for the most extravagant of event productions.We are full service production company specializing in throwing dazzling, unforgetable events of all sizes. Whether you are looking to produce an intimate private affair, or generate excitement on a grand scale... Pyroglobal will meet your wildest expectations!

My Interests

Pyro loves LIVE performance!!!! Cabaret,Cirque,Music,and of Course the Burning Man Community!!!Hobbies include Music Production, Singing, Photography, Acting, keeping fit, and snowboarding.You can usually find him in So Cal, Black Rock City, and VEGAS BABY!!! His house was even themed out "Vegas Style"by Discovery Channel's Monster House...


Here it goes: House, Jungle, D&B, Progressive House, Trance, Global Grooves, Reggae, Punk & Rock (No Particular Order)However, He is moved by many different songs in all type of genres. It really depends on his mood.


He loves an assortment of Cinema (He really like comedies)!!!


Penn & Teller's Bullshit,Weeds, Entourage, Las Vegas, Real Sex, Family Business,Cathouse, Surreal Life, Taboo.


Anything that provokes thought, and that edifies.


Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzche,Carl Sagen, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Steve Wynn, Hugh Hefner, Larry Flint,Erich "Houdini" Weisz, Penn & Teller, P.T Barnum & Tom Thumb, Guy Laliberte, Larry Harvey, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon... no particular order

My Blog

Burning Man 2007 )( The Green Man

Burning Man is a week-long festival with international draw, held annually on the week prior to and including Labor Day weekend (in early September) in the United States. Its current location is on th...
Posted by Pyro on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 05:19:00 PST


The Party was a great success as always!!! Looking forward to seeing you all back for our Annual Naughty Valentines Day Bash!!!You are all GOLDEN GODS!!!!Here is the link:
Posted by Pyro on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 12:19:00 PST

LA Decompression 10-14-2006

LA Decompression!!!   This was such a blast! I hope that you friends that did not make it out, will get to next year! Talk about Eye Candy for Days.   Click on this link: http://www.kodakga...
Posted by Pyro on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:54:00 PST

Bowling Pics...

Bowling night for the Peeps...   Thanks again Sammie!!!   Pyro...
Posted by Pyro on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:13:00 PST

Magic Mountain Pics...

Here are the pics from magic mountain trip... Thanx Sammie     Pyro...
Posted by Pyro on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST

Graduation Week Pics

Graduation Week (More Graduation Week Pics) These Pics include my cousins Rene's visit, my friend Keith's visit, and more graduation pics!!!   Pyro
Posted by Pyro on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:52:00 PST

Pictures from the Luao!!!

Check out the great pics Sammie took! What a great time, all of you who made the journey (way to go). Hope to see the rest of you real soon!!!
Posted by Pyro on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:41:00 PST


Well everyone, I finally did it!!! A big thank you to all of you who participated though out the day ^_^   Hope to see you out sometime soon!!! Here is the link:
Posted by Pyro on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST

The Taurus Toga Party

Here is the link to the Taurus Toga Party! Thanks for celebrating my birth with me!!! You guys fucking rock!!! ...
Posted by Pyro on Tue, 02 May 2006 02:59:00 PST

My Birthday!!!

Wow, 29 fucking years old. How in the hell did that go by so quickly? A lot has changed in the past few years. Enjoying myself to the fullest though, with no regrets!!! I have sure enjoyed this last t...
Posted by Pyro on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:17:00 PST