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Breaking into the film industry is not about all play and no work. Cleavon Hailes aka Lil Woosie is from Washington, DC with a promising acting career. The young talented actor is mastering his talent and adding some spice with his like for nice clothes and fresh kicks. Lil Woosie is well prepared to take fans by surprise with his credited acting lessons to the big screen. Taking lead on The Wire season premiere and Step Up 2, Lil Woosie is building a buzz. Lil Woosie shows love to his sponsors, L-R-G, Harpers Boys, Fat Boy D, Good Bully clothing, WESC and Famous Stars and Straps. With that being said, T.U.R.N. Style catches a break with Lil Woosie.
For everyone who doesn’t know Lil Woosie, you are from Washington, DC. So what is it like repping from D.C.?
Um yeah everything good you know got the good people down here you know what I’m saying. You know were about to make our city, man it’s about to blow up or whatever. Ah now we have the hot boys you know but everything other than that is good you know. It’s a very stylish city. Great place to shop.
And for all those who don’t know you’re an aspiring actor with a good resume I see. So far what actors have inspired your career?
Ah man, Terrance Howard from Dead Presidents of course Denzel . You know just a lot of different actors you know, there’s a lot of black one’s you know what I’m saying nothing racist. Ah who else? Actually one of my favorites is Johnny Depp you know.
And as far as right now, you’re on the casting for The Wire’s Final Season which premiered January 06, 2008. How does that look for you right now?
Ah so far everything working good you knows. I’m getting a nice little feedback from all the fans and everybody who waiting um we depending on that. Like you said, The Wire final season dropping January 6th every Sunday at nine o’clock.
Due to this being the final season what has the been experience like be on set and who have you worked with as far as the actors and directors?
Well uh, for me it was big transition you know with the role I have I mean it being the last season, it’s a lot of work for me because a lot the cast came back from the previous season and they know what there getting into pretty much. For me it was my first season so it’s like um what to do what to do you know what I mean?
I got a nice real nice feedback from the casting director and I would say everything is everything. Everything went good.
Ok can you give us a little scoop about your character?
Actually I can. I’m one of Marlo’s corner boys. It’s a couple of scenes where you would see me delivering money, um taking care of street work. I’m not gonna get into too much of details.
You know just make sure everybody tune in for January 6th it’s going to be a nice event for everybody especially DC I did this for my fans and family. It’s gonna be real nice. Ya gonna see Woosie doing his thing getting down you know.
Do you feel that your character reflects experiences you have seen behind the reality of living in DC?
Actually I have you know everybody know DC is one of the best places to live I mean I have seen and been through it all. You know what I mean. It’s nothing new.
I mean that’s the past and it’s a new beginning for me. What happen then is what happen then you know. To answer your question fully, yes I have seen the drugs, the gun the knives before so it wasn't very hard for me to adjust to, it was nothing pretty much. It wasn’t like a time a rich kid would never been on the street and asked to do the wire. It was nothing like that. It was a kid who was from the street acted the street role pretty much.
Affiliating with the cast like The Wire how much has that help you as an actor?
I’m gonna say a lot because of the simple fact that not only it’s The Wire it’s full of roles that are very hard for a lot of actors to comply with. It’s very hard to do a role as a actor on The Wire. It’s very hard to be a convincing gangster just like being a convincing congress man or police man. Those are very hard roles. So a lot of people mess me up when they say “Oh anybody can be a gangsterâ€. It’s not true at all.
I see that you’re also in Step Up 2 which is in theatres February 2008. What role are you playing in that movie?
My role is similar to Mario’s role in part one. I’m pretty much doing what he did in part one.
You seem as if you do a lot of things so what’s the formula to your work ethic on a daily basis?
I would say acting classes 24/7.
Have you faced many challenges breaking in as an actor?
Yeah It's actually hard. A lot of people in the industry are assholes you know. That would be one of the major things. It’s very um what the word is? It’s very frustrating.
Cuz sometimes it’s your not working for a couple of months and you go into a acting crisis and it’s like damn when are some of my agents gonna call me. Nothing is gonna happen overnight, not at all. It’s a lot of hard work.
You got to keep your swagger tight. As far as that goes where do you see yourself in the future of you acting career?
I would pretty much be getting 20 million a movie pretty much chilling in the islands somewhere with a nice Ferrari you know. Laughs
I have a lot of fans, more than haters. Even celebrities that I look up to are watching what I do, I’m getting very nice feedback.
Being young and African American do you have words to young people that are trying to do the same thing and lead into your footsteps?
To everybody don’t be afraid to succeed, don’t be afraid, and want to do well. Want to change your life want to be in front of the lights, want to have the nice things and just know to get it put in the hard work. If you put in hard work something is gonna happen for you.
What about some actors you want to work with?
Chris Tucker , Kat Williams , all the funny people I want to work with. Of course Denzel Washington , Terrance Howard and Laura London . Laughs Oh Wow
How would you describe you acting skills?
A lot of people say the next Denzel . I’m not trying to be like him but he has a lot of credibility and he known throughout the industry.
I’m a real cool dude. If you have any questions I will answer them. Stay fresh you know.
I have a lot of people behind me L-R-G , The Famous Strap Stars , my jeweler Ben Baller he’s one of the hottest around the world. Big shout out to WESC they been looking out a lot cuz they send clothes like every month, kick ballers.
In closing give me what you got. Just hit me up on business on my ( ) website up soon, shot out to all sponsors L-R-G , Fat Boy D , Ice Fresh , Good Bully clothing aw man Darren Harper that’s my big brother. Everybody
It was a pleasure stopping by TURN Style’s Myspace .
Thank you
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