your cats will eat you when you die....
i want to meet other artist.thats pretty much it,if your not at least some what creative your pretty much retarded.
i dont think theres many people left id like to meet but i like the work of these people and would be far less happy with out having heard there voices or seen there breasts.many of them have had a great impact on my life in some way or another.david ho
alex martinez
acid bath
h.r giger
alex grey
justin jones
Chad Michael Ward
Shinya Tsukamoto
christopher walken
wesly rogers
chet zar
adam jones
bill hicks
tom savini
the guy who invented condoms (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!)
gumby but in like a REALLY public place,i would not be alone with that thing.
id like to kick david lynch in the balls,
salvador dali
god would be neat,but im guessing hes kind busy and its not like i could really kick it with him,hes freaking huge,like that fat assed save the children chick but with the power to create.but if i had the chance id have him autograph a copy of the bible for me which i would sell on ebay as soon as i got home.blind strippers,evil hookers and other looking to work on a lot of projects with other people and am working on a new book which will feature a huge list of people all throwing in on a huge book collaboration for a bunch of artist to share there work in a published format.if this one works out then we will keep doing them from new and old artist alike so write me if you would like to have your work (photography,writing,pretty much anything that we can put on paper) in our book.
WARNING!!! : if your not funny i hope you die,nothing in the world pisses me off more then not funny people who have no idea there not funny and make out like they are. if you don't have a good sense of humor then commit suicide RIGHT NOW.ill e-mail you the razor blades and the cure cd to do it to,take pictures and ill post them yeah.i really dont want to meet anyone unless you have some kind of talent or super power,if your life consists of tv,work,school,etc then i do not care,normality is the worst off all cancers.back to the funny part,i laugh at old people,if you dont or if you think its mean,then your old your self and theres homes for you in the near future where people will change your diaper and feed you jello and you will wonder why your kids dont call you as you watch re-runs of mash all the time waiting to die. GO TEAM VENTURE!
acid bath,tool,bells theorem,cotius,manson,mixed messages,satan,black pill book,radio head,your mom, type o -,system of a down,sneaker pimps,portishead,abc,nbc,stp,apc,nin,kmfdm,90210,lots of other letters,test and control,massive attack,Velvet Acid Christ,Recycled Souls,deftones,tons of others that i cant remember now but ill totally agree with you if you say there good just so you will let me use your bath room where i will rob you of your wigs,nail polish and old dirty whatevers.and floss..i will have your floss.......stuff
i have well over 2000 dvds,not counting porn or downloaded shit i never delete,i love zombie movies,i collect a Asian-mainly Japanese-horror,ALL forms of animation,really like the quay brothers,tim burton,anything by terry gilliam,huge fan of shitty horror flicks,the list is huge.
squidbillies is amazing,next to al bundy early cuyler is the closet thing to a hero i have ever had,aquateen,anything adult swim but other then cartoons,television is by far the worst thing on tv.
i cant read,like at kinda sucks but its not like im missing out on much wtf has been written in the last 1000 years worth reading? the bible? come on reading sucks.
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ed gein,alber fish,sammy davis jr and the monk who lit himself on fire in the middle of kmart to protest the abuse and sales of tickle me elmo dolls,i think it was in jersey...maybe in new york,also have drawn a lot of personal inspiration from vanilla ice as of late and will fight anyone who disrespects him.if i was gay,it would only be for vanilla ice.word to your mother.