maggie profile picture


About Me

how do i lose everything that belongs to me?
mainly sweatshirts and cd's.

i am a ham.


it feels like

youve been asleep for days the

televisions on i cant stay

awake i'll fall


and when your friends leave

oh they get gone its such a pet peeve

when you prove me wrong

i'll fall down











"If you stop being a fu*king bitch then I wont hate you"- Carl

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Adam Carolla

Ashlee Simpson

Bleeding Gumms Murphey

Bill Cosby

Brendan Leonard

Will Smith

friggin Reverend Horton Heat

Tom Green,

Johnny Knoxville


Sam and Nate

My Blog

...i like...

the formatRoll Out by LudacrisThe World Without Magic "the quiet life"Nevershoutnever BEN Kweller"Someday"by the Strokes SAY ANYTHING GYM CLASS HEROES AND MOTION CITY SOUNTRACK Dr Drew
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 01:57:00 GMT

uumm what else?

The format is coming to seattle august 5th (duh) and the tickets go on sale today, but i cant seem to find them anywhere. they probably arent even coming, its a hoax divized by sam and nate to make me...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:34:00 GMT


Extended networks suck and ar gay. because everyone is in everyones extended network because of Tom, and hes connected to most of the people. friggin a, just get rid of that shit, please. this is real...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 16:44:00 GMT

hey hey the format

The New The Format CD comes out on july 11th. That is really soon. Like,  2 days. THEN the show is on August 25th (megans bday) and I have a ticket... I am so lucky. 
Posted by on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 18:33:00 GMT

the format fer real this time

if you want something, you have to take affirmative action. and haha i dont know what that means, but i'm going to the format once and for all. this will be the day to end allll days. 
Posted by on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 17:38:00 GMT

Im the biggest idiot ever.

I know there are worse things in life, but, I tried to cut my own bangs and they suck. Jesus do they suck. I dont know why I tried it. hahaha.
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 14:41:00 GMT

phone thing agian, sorry.

sorry, now im posting a blog, after posting a bulliten, but, a lot of people dont read those, so, If you havent read....I lost my phone along with all my friends phone numbers, if your my friend, (whi...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:55:00 GMT

the format:///\\\\////\\\\/////\\\\\//////\\\\\\///////\\\\\\\// //////\\\\\\\\//////////\\\\\\\

i wish the format would play in seattle..i missed the only friggin chance, i decided im going to drive in arizona to see them live, even if i dont have a car, i'll get there. i will. 
Posted by on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 01:13:00 GMT

Basically the sweetest thing on the face of the earth

Come to Mine and Ashleys sweet graduation party on June 11th, I want all our friends from school to go. Even if we wernt that great of friends, still come, because I probably think of you, as like...m...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jun 2005 20:58:00 GMT

Rocky Mozell

If anyone knows who rockey mozell is please tell me, I think im crazy, because I have that name stuck in my head, its like a disease. I looked "him" up on search engines but it doesnt come up anywhere...
Posted by on Thu, 12 May 2005 20:06:00 GMT