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The historical Mindysan

I want to raise my freak flag, and never be alone...

About Me

Mom, wife, historian, writer, reader, crafter, musician, geek, armchair pundit, open source fan, comic book fan, movie fan, music fan etc, so on and so forth.I hope to raise my kid, love my husband, get people to listen to his fantastic music, get a phd, write some history books, write some poems, maybe even some fiction, teach some classes, and die with my knitting needles in my cold dead hands, Mr. President!

My Interests

My hubby and daughter. History, especially counter-cultural history, world history, and foreign policy. Writing. Reading. Current events. Knitting. Sewing. Cooking. Crafting. Funky fashions. Gender equality. Racial equality. Gay equality... um, any equality, really. Sustainable living. Writing. Poems. Yoga. Zen Buddhism (as a concept anyway). How marginal subcultures become next-big-thing mainstream phenomenon. History of counter-cultures. Small towns. Beaches. Travel. Anime. Film. writing. Writing. Writing.
Did I say writing? I can't remember.

I'd like to meet:

I alredy know most of them. Perhaps I'll meet more. A politician who does not lie. Other historians.


Nothing Inside. Slitch. karakul. Changelings. Paul Mercer. Sleepy Theory. Joy Division. Cure. Depeche Mode. Nick Drake. Chris Connelly. Ministry. Pigface. Neubauten. New Order. Peter Gabriel. Portishead. Outkast. Afrika Bambaataa. Sundays. Zoo Keepers Wife. Sex Pistols. Slits. Clash. Public Enemy. Cocorosie. Damien Jurado. Merzbow. Siousxie and the Banshees. Skinny Puppy. Coil. Recoil. Martin Gore. Velvet Underground. Laurie Anderson. Lou Reed. They Might Be Giants. Sonic Youth. Leonard Cohen. Nancy Griffith. Billie Holiday. Kraftwerk. Tori Amos. Damien Jurado. Yaz(oo). Erasure. Revolting Cocks. Cranes. 10000 Maniacs. Add N to X. Tear Garden. Legendary Pink Dots.


The Color Purple. ET. The Princess Bride. Beyond the Vally of the Dolls. Any Miyazaki film. Any Satoshi Kon film. Basquiat. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. The Last Unicorn. Lord of the Rings. OG Star Wars (can I stress that enough!). Tron. Indian Jones films. Plan 9 from Outer Space. Evil Dead films. Joe Christ's films.


Six Feet Under. Sopranos. Rome. Carnival. Daily Show. Colbert Report. Doctor Who. Young Ones. Black Books. The Mighty Boosh. MASH. The Muppet Show. Fraggle Rock. Spongebob. Ren and Stimpy. Invader Zim. House. Twin Peaks. Simpsons. Family Guy. American Dad. Futurama. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Brak Show.


All. Ha. Just kidding. Anything by- Neil "Scary Trousers" Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Alice Walker, Louis Ferdiand Celine, Burroughs, Anais Nin, Michelle Brattain, Alex Ogg, Alan Moore, Art Spiegelman, Margaret Atwood, Jon Ronson, Andrew Sullivan, Fareed Zakaria, Dorthy Gambrel, Cory Doctorow, Billy Collins, Sylvia Plath, Mahmood Mamdani, Reza Aslan, Kevin Phillips, Franz Fanon,... Fiction, non-fiction, poetry... I'm sure I can add more.


Rome. Fiona. Gandhi. Dr. King. Any and all peaceful freedom fighters. Anyone who stands up for what they believe in.

My Blog

Update on the Anarchist cookbook story

The kid who was arrested in part for having a copy of the anarchist cookbook had more than that. He apparently had plans to blow up members of the British National Party. I don't know if this is tru...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:27:00 PST

quick kitty pidgen

Che Guevara's children in Cuba carry on his legacy.A boy in the UK has been arrested for having the Anarchist Cookbook.Now, that's what I call an awesome version of the bible... We can call it... the...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

another long ass blog you wont read

I wrote a ong blog entry about the controversy over Radiohead's decision to release their album online and let fans decide the price. Feel free to comment here, or there. Onto other matters for now....
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 09:17:00 PST

Happy Sputnik day!

Today was the day that sputnik was launched in 1957.Andrew Sullivan had this Rambo Trailer on his blog today. Look at that righteous and holy X-ian beat up those bad guys! Onward Christian soldiers,...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 06:51:00 PST

In a word: WTF!!!!

So, WTF? Isn't that a question you should ask everyday. WTF? I mean, really. How often do you think about what is going on in other places? Are we planning to attack Iran? According to Sy Hersh...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:43:00 PST


A woman died in police custody at the airport.How you write can help the government to find out who you are? Scary.OMG, WTF- kids today are aliens, according to the Navy. Bono got an award, and his ...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:11:00 PST

Ideas and consternation

Oh, my poppets! It's been days. My apologies. We've been busy, I'm afraid, and school has not been kind. But here are some lovely links to sink your mental teeth into.One of the guys from Survival...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 07:35:00 PST

Own a piece of Burroughs

Or at least his bullets (via boing boing)!Google?  God?  Hmm....  Also from... somehwheres?Lastly, today's Cat and Girl is hella-awesome!  Go read it, and then buy Dorthy Gambrell'...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 07:48:00 PST

Buy one, give one away!

Some boing boing links:One, not only are One Laptop per child laptops going to be for sale to the general public, but if you buy one, then one gets given! This makes me so happy, I think I'm gonna cr...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:40:00 PST


This guy and his friends are disgusting pieces of crap... "Oh, I see a woman lying in a doorway, I think I'll go piss on her..." I hope he gets jail time and has a sell with some large angry black m...
Posted by The historical Mindysan on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:18:00 PST