ponY paYroLL boNes profile picture

ponY paYroLL boNes

About Me

I AIN"T GOT NOTHING TO SAY CAUSE THE STORY DONE ME IN KICKIN ME AROUND LIKE A RAGGED MANGLED DOGWhisTlin Fat LadY SLeeP dowN in thA sKinnY GraVeyarDINVIDiOUs HEN Crowing means death and bad Luck are taking theiR honeY mooN aT your PLace of LivinG!HORSE HOOVES SMASHIN RATTLE SNAKE TRAILS upon the duNEs!!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/31/2006
Band Members:VIDEO COURTESY OF DANNY FLERIDA!DUST WIND TALEs CDR album CIVIL WAR SONGS AND ROAD KILL Shark Bite Tapes Split with Cedro Danado CAR CRASH CONTEST FULL LENGTH VINYL ON BLOSSOMING NOISE --WORK IN PROCESSPonY BOnes has self REleased over 24 CDR ALBUMSmost recent:::::______ SHipwrecks---songs about dying aLL banJTaR!!!! HORNET BRIDGE JULY 08---banTar freaKouTs till machines breaKagE Haints july o8 mostlY oLe psychedia rusted FLume (march 2008) song oriented and messy sort of more melodic Barn Owl (Feb 2008) MOre skeletal has lot of the first banjtar stuff DoG dog (december)) very blusey noiseY violenT questions just stab me suddeN!! with a Tin DAGGER
Influences: SHOW YOU RIGHT SHOW YOU RIGHT SHOW YOU RIGHT!!!!!!!a href="http://s416.photobucket.com/albums/pp249/matthewdoyal/ ?action=view&current=polaroidpisgah8.jpg" target="_blank"
Sounds Like: A fan and Frank Stanford Scholar in Mississippi has this to say abouT the Pony BonesMan--those recordings are powerful and obstinately against the grain of Nashville. Listening to that raw sound, the clumsy acoustics, the ragged performances, the shaggy guitar, the one-eyed vocals, the black water poetry--listening to all that got to me. Your music is adamantly anti-establishment. It eats raw meat. It glares from a cage that won't hold it. It mauls fratboys who tease it through the brittle bars of its cage.PonY BoneS at Tha SecreT SQuirreL, Athens Georgia
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Armed Forces daY shoW at tha JAIL HOUSE! plus roasted swinE

ARMED FORCEs daY anTi ATlanTa Celebatory Pig Sacrifice noise showTHIS SATURDAY RAIN OR SHINE AT THE JAIL HOUSEPONY PAYROLL HOUSE  566 Federal terrace 30315 at the end of BOuleVARDSOUNDS FROM THA LIKES...
Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 13:38:00 GMT

May 16th jaiL house Roast Pig Apocalyptic baptisM

May 16th Show JaiL Housekind of going away freakout for Kristen Inbal (movin to L.A.) and MR. JusTin Waters going to PortLand AusTin.........music by GashY, AdaM Clay poeT philosopher, CRackER THE CaT...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 04:16:00 GMT

Our Vanishing

Appearing for Disappearing a few children drowning in the Coosa River, know me. Nameless ghost tangled in the brambles Rupturing blooda person simply put, is a ghost drowning in blood.while the rabbit...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 22:49:00 GMT


The door only answers to hands. Falling Over by the yellow darkness frightened by stripes  way across the fieldawaits the water of death You become the doorSo you can get in
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:16:00 GMT

Battle at Gone Woman Lake

the bird flew from the wigwam--- her body might be found,Imagined bending low, she moved her arms in mourning Suddenly, lightning came from a passing cloud and shot into the lake A Voice howled like a...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:14:00 GMT


PonY bzonEs is mixing fer the fugue vInYL.........FOllows ya dowN....marchin thru georgia........DevIllLs......WinE.ChocoLAte PIE Seems to breathe a similar ruleCalled beat tha rule into a blue black ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:11:00 GMT

Where Chief Echo's Wife wept with GhosTs

Chief marked for death spoke with dry tongue of A death fever mutilated deer ghosts. Treachery clattered where the arrowhead was howling   Betsy is sitting in the front feverishly trembling at the ..L...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 23:46:00 GMT

ThinGs Learnin TO DIE

  He was shot with a pistol while eating fried chicken on Sunday.  Our Father.. ..and a large frightening cloud veiling the stars.   A cloud the color of dirty chicken feathers... ..That awful circlin...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 03:27:00 GMT

bottLe drY

Bottle when he git dry, ....and rode doo-dah-day! ....den fly along like a mad mad salesmen ....I  say  doo-dah-day!...... ..I'll have to close the ....jim tow-bag, oh, doo-dah-day!...... ..My hat cav...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 22:11:00 GMT


 Name any namelessAny yearThey all go to AvalanchesObjectified muscle space thatGoes fornicating heckle messTo make a buckAnd pay tolling  yer mindTo a lurching slush.. ..Time is money works well forM...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 22:05:00 GMT