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I am here for Networking

About Me

Amplification: Peavey 6505MKI
Cabinet: Mesa Boogie 4x12" Rectifier
FX: Rocktron Repliflex
BBE Sonicmaximizer 332
Morley Bad Horsie
MXR M-135 Smart Gate
MXR ZW-44 Zakk Wylde Overdrive
Tuner: Korg DT-10BK
Switching System: Nobels MF-1 Midi Controller
Axess Electronics GRX4 Audio Switcher
Wireless: Nady 201 VHF
Cable: Neutrik
Guitars: Ibanez RBM Black
Dean USA Time Capsule V Series Custom
Dean Razorback V 255 Explosion
Dean CADI-KILL Cannibal Corpse Model Gloss Trans. Black
Bernie Rico Jr. Vixen ( Gary Holt Signature Model ) Flat Blood Red
Strings: Ernie Ball: Skinny Top Heavey Bottom / 10 - 52
Vinci: Blues - Rock / 11 - 52
Picks: Jim Dunlop Nylon 1mm
Rack Amp Case: Custom Handmade Rack- Amp- Case

My Interests


Exodus - Toxic Waltz

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Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr VideosBlack Label Society - Suicide Messiah

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My Blog

My first endorsement deal!

Hell Yeah!!! With proudly I may present to the first endorsement deal with the company Extremeforce Custom Cabinets! Extremeforce Custom Cabinets builds excellent road ready boxing of high quality and...
Posted by QD on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:04:00 PST