shai-hulud profile picture


shut up and put on king of queens

About Me

i sprained my ankle on tuesday now i walk with a limp (im aight)

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

realized that every one [who called me crazy] is so much worse off than myself. mad perceptions

My Interests

but first im going to take your advice, im going to keep on living, growing, being healthy and feeling loved. my payback to you is to not waste what you've given me. i love you and i hope that next time we meet ill be able to show you how much you've water music - reformed aspiring opptimist it was actual y the beach .

I'd like to meet:

gretchen ross,


ill listen to you, or whats on the radio.. but if you talk for too long ill start to stare at something, then by the time im staring at the second thing i stare at thats when youve lost me probably. and ll look over and then maybe ill turn on the radio to listen to music. also i like hearing the sounds of people fucking and i like srtange rythms and cat noises and music too music music music music no talking :doseone/anticon :lesclaypool less and less :ween :mfdoom :aesoprock :elp&affiliates/defjux/can.ox more and more :cavelight :catnoises :cashmoneyzillionaires :drumsstrings :mmw :the bad memory presidents


i like movies when i havent seen them in a long time and my imaginatuion makes them better than they are. also i like movies that i havent seen yet for the same reason. both of these pleasurable imaginations of course are destroyed upon the watching of said 'not so good' movie[s]. except sometimes i see good movies, but i dont realy remember them, because then i get to imagine them even better, and if a movie is good i get to watch it again and again for the first time. now you have an insight into the way my brain works.....concerning movies.


the wind up bird chronicle (..1) thanks to rosemary by murakami, nietche thanks to joe, robins-geoff, the rest of joe and mindy's books sans derrida (but now i know SOMETHING about his language thanks to pomo4beginners (aw)))), brian green physics, entanglement, [the first half of] the order of things (foucault) history of madness and insanity, match books, freakanomics, dune , man and his symbols, what would dt watch, gaston b. and the p. of s.. howard zinn again. h of us. mmmmmm... , interaction of color, ways of seeing, alan watts, aristotle. juice kidding. shelly duival. baudrillard, oyster duval, bloody roar, ishmael, twilight of the idol, human all too human is my current fav. the only poetry i like is hidden in rap


jesus, martin luther, socrates, donnie darko, .. the norm

My Blog

Powers that Be - essay:writs reserved cWern

From the Bible. Romans 13:1. 'Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: The powers that be are ordained of God.' ~A distinction between the real and the appa...
Posted by shai-hulud on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:24:00 PST

um.. some things from.. the uh.. thing...

1 Why people dont know what art means     They're unaware of its likeness to music, nature and literature; that it is infinitely undefinite.  Interpretation and loose association a...
Posted by shai-hulud on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 06:39:00 PST

new orleans part deux

yeh im here again..  this time with a much better program.  real donation sensation.  the little tiny critters are everywhere.  im coming back to ny s...
Posted by shai-hulud on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST

another katie conversation a-la full metal jacket

the ends are beginnings, the garbage is art and vice-versa, the ups lead to downs and the men are ussualy pussies.  promises and legs were both made to be broken in order to build the spirit, lif...
Posted by shai-hulud on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 08:51:00 PST

my favorite headlines

(no, no, I take the paxil.  It's my alter ego who's drinking the beer.) i sweat aloe so much, i spit about it mt vernon will kill you laughing with my hat in the wind james velez is amazing!&n...
Posted by shai-hulud on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 09:49:00 PST

from the web [for beginners]

Is creative genius somehow woven together with "madness"? According to the dictionary, "to create" is "to bring into being or form out of nothing." Such a powerful, mysterious, and even impossible act...
Posted by shai-hulud on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:03:00 PST

katie conversation greeks

my friend katie tells me this story about how when we speak and hear of the 'greeks' we imagine a generalized and specifically romanticized image of a people, a culture and a way. this in large is du...
Posted by shai-hulud on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 08:15:00 PST

expensive trade

booze cruz tionight. down the east river ona boat drinkin to the lady libery. also i tentitavly tradfed one of my most important dieties for anothers. it was an eight pound pocleilan buhda for a heru ...
Posted by shai-hulud on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 10:30:00 PST

old dudes on myspace

are reaxample:"Deal with it America" @ ofile&friendid=55337056
Posted by shai-hulud on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:22:00 PST

your fuckin fake face i hate it

this goes out to all my "friends" of old who wanna talk shit behind a brother's back... yeah, go out and talk to my girl and tell her how crazy and shitty i am just make sure you get off my dick next...
Posted by shai-hulud on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 03:49:00 PST