Anything that has to do with being a red-boned American! That includes cook-offs, bbq, working on cars, hating commies, and talking like I'm a Pirate! I also enjoy many of the finer things in life, like hanging out, Shiner, DeLoreans, muscle cars, Star Wars, uh, well you catch my drift.
Anyone who is interesting and has some motivation to do something on that said day and time. Cause when it all boils down to it, the past doesn't exist, and neither does the future. What does exist is here and now; unless some wild eyed scientist proves me wrong, and then I will say good day sir.
Which FF Character Are You?
Mainly bands that have stood the test of time; AC/DC, ZZ Top, Zeppelin, Van Halen (not Van Hagar), hell anything that rocks
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Mainly anything that comes in trilogies, except for the matrix trilogy, didnt really care to see Ted save the world with his so called "acting talent". Honestly, I dont think ol' ted could act his way out of a wet paper bag.
If tis interesting, it has my vote. The History Channel rocks in my world.
I read alot, so theres no way for me to just pick one author or a particular title that stands out in my mind, but right now I'm reading From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming.
Batman of course! Sure, alot of people like Superman, but a damn green rock is his weakness, that and hair gel. Im also a fan of Popeye, who taught me that any situation could be delt with with the right amount of violence and a proper nutrition.