producer scott profile picture

producer scott

metronomes aren't just for drummers. guitar players, take note.

About Me

producer. recording engineer. touring drummer. rock. hard rock. pop. sushi. interactive designer.
My Blogger Blog (as if there's anything cool to read about)
Songs I've either engineered, produced, played on, mixed, participated in, cheerleaded, one of the above or all of the above. Click to play.

-May 28, 2008. Fools and Horses is done, mixed (Drew Mazurek), and off to mastering. The song "Selfish" is going to be the lead off track on a US Cellular cd being distributed at the mega SUMMERFEST this year! Did some drum tracking for Chosen Son's upcoming release through Eleven Seven Music. These guys should be right at home with label mates Motley Crue, Buckcherry and the Exies! I was minutes away from heading to Europe with Cinder Road and their supporting tour for KISS. To say I was bummed would be an understatement. Anyways- congrats to those guys- they work their collective asses off! Mixes for KIX are wrapping up, as are Lionize mixes. I guess it has been a while since I've done any updates. Oh yeah, I also spent a week with the wonderfully talented Deanna Bogart, her band and producer Jim Ebert. I guess that's all for now?
-April 02, 2008. Back from CA and an absolutely terrible week of drinking great wine and eating great food. I highly recommend people don't indulge in activities like this! HA! With Cloverleaf and Knockout Mouse completed and off to mastering, I'm back to mixing live KIX . That's right... KIX! I said it! When I was a kid, if you told me I would be mixing a KIX record, pshaaaw. I'm loving every minute of this! They've never stopped rocking!
-Feb 04, 2008. New music up in the player with a couple of choice tracks that I recently produced. New Fools and Horses (damn I LOVE "Wide Eyed Wonder!") and a couple from my boys The Speaks. Let me know what you think!! Now back to work.
-Jan 11, 2008. It's a NEW year! Not really sure where the last one went but I think I had fun right? First off- I want to send out congrats to both BOB and Lionize . I've worked with both bands in the past and they have been presented with fantastic opportunities through their hard work and persistence! BOB is currently in Vancouver working with acclaimed producer "GGGARTH" (Rage Against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Lionize are headed to Jamaica to work with a member of Steel Pulse. Exciting times and I'm especially proud of both these bands and wish them nothing but the best! Now, what else? Oh yeah. It's that time of year for the Washington Area Music Awards again (Wammies). Looks like I received a nomination for "Producer of the Year", my studio, Dragonfly, is nominated in the "Studio of the Year" category and the song Redwings by Fools and Horses that I produced, is nominated as "Song of the Year". Other mentions are friends such as Diana Stagnato, Eric Scott, BOB, The Speaks, Shane Hines, Luke Brindley, Jim Ebert, etc. All great people and strong supporters of the area scene. Vote well please! On a side note, though I feel that WAMA is a bit outdated and old school, I think that they are in the beginning stages of change. I'll be much happier if I can look at the balloting in 10 years and see a full list of current, relevant individuals and bands that are being nominated for what they are presently doing, not what they did a bunch of years ago. In other news..... wrapped up another three songs with Fools and Horses . Drew Mazurek (Linkin Park, HIM) is currently mixing. I've begun mixing a live record for KIX and just got out of the studio with Pittsburgh, PA's Cloverleaf . Next up, Rude Buddha . I will survive.
-Dec 04, 2007. Ah, now that it's freezing out I'm back in the studio for the next bunch of months! I've been updating a few things in the studio and streamlining some things. I just added an API summing system and, fingers crossed, will be adding a couple of 1950's pre-amps later this week. Fingers crossed on that one! I fell in love with the same ones earlier this year when I was on a project down in florida at Phat Planet . BTW- The Speaks are releasing the new album that I produced (well, most of it) this week! Make sure you head to the State Theater on friday night! I start back up with Fools and Horses again on sunday for a whole new batch of songs! I'm itching to get back to work! PS- I may even start playing again with a yet unnamed project!
-Nov 05, 2007. Back home from Japan and Singapore and now relaxing a little in Mexico! Got to admit, drinking and diving sometimes has something over sitting in a recording studio! Before I left, wrapped up a new song with New York City's The Party Death . Complete whirlwind session that was completed via the internet and in the hands of Atlantic Records within a hour of being completed. I love technology! Also dropped into the studio with City Riots all the way from Australia! Spent some time with the fine southern rockers in Rebelicious and looking forward to getting some completed songs with them! It's a bit of a change of pace for me and I'm having a good time with it! Well, cocktails and a beautiful warm nite at the beach are calling my name!
-Sept 25, 2007. Tour w/ Half Brother Sid. I'm going to do a better job of updating things than I did on the last tour. Promise.
.....Oct 2, Narita JAPAN
.....Oct 3, Fuji, JAPAN
.....Oct 4, Honshu, JAPAN
.....Oct 5, Atsugi, JAPAN
.....Oct 6, Yokosuka, JAPAN
.....Oct 7, SINGAPORE
.....Oct 8, DIEGO GARCIA
.....Oct 9, DIEGO GARCIA
.....Oct 10, DIEGO GARCIA
.....Oct 11, DIEGO GARCIA
.....Oct 12, SINGAPORE
.....Oct 13, SINGAPORE
.....Oct 14, some ridiculous amount of time flying home.
-Sept 17, 2007. In the studio with New Orlean's own Cowboy Mouth and Jim Ebert.
-Aug 24, 2007. Minutes away from finishing up with NY/PA/NJ band DOMI I thought I would grab a couple of minutes to update the site. First, check out DOMI. Great, new band! I've been spending some time with Rude Buddha of late and the new material is fantastic! Really excited to get in and start knocking it out! Saturn Down has been in and we've got a great new track coming down the wire for everyone! The Speaks have also been camping out with me in the studio and we're almost done with a new record! You're gonna have fun with this one! Last up, Sematic has been kicking my ass and we'll have new music out shortly! Oh yeah, my house passed inspection and I'm in the middle of moving! Great timing.
-Aug 14, 2007. OK, I've been MIA. Lots going on in and outside of the studio. It seems that this summer has been more focused on family than music- totally needed. I'm finally heading back into the studio this week after a long weekend spent with family after the passing of my grandmother. 99 years old. Absolutely amazing! What a wonderful woman- we're going to miss her dearly! In studio news, I've got some great projects that are wrapping up. New Fools and Horses tracks are in my music player and on their myspace page. Mixed by Drew Mazurek (Linkin Park, HIM) and mastered by Jay Frigoletto (INXS, Saliva) the tracks sound great! Check it. In other news, I'm headed back out on not one but possibly two USO tours in the very near future. The first is confirmed and takes me to Singapore, Japan, Diego Garcia and possibly Okinawa again. The second may confirm today and I'll post more about it once it's a done deal. Much more to post but I've got a lot of catching up to do. More soon.
-June 14, 2007. Funny, Nate from Lionize sends me a note saying:
"I was googling some shit about us, and I stumbled upon this.
what the fuck dude? we won a wammy together? I had NO idea."

That's kind of funny since they did the awards back in february. For the record, I had no idea either. For those that care, the WAMMIES are the Washington DC area Grammy type of thing. It's more a popularity vote than anything else. Before I forget- Alona is finished! It's going to be an interesting record with some traditional rock recording but some very cool remixes as well! Congrats to Candice! BTW- go see Cinder Road on tour with Candlebox over the next 6 weeks. I'm sad that I'm not on the tour but I couldn't pull away from the studio to go through with it.
-June 13, 2007. A while ago I did a song with a band from the DC area called "The Speaks". I had heard that the song went through the roof in the Philippines, was #1 at radio and that their video for the song had done great on TV through the pacific rim. I had NO idea how big it really had become. The latest note from the band mentions that the video (and song) have seen over 1,000,000 plays on YouTube! That's CRAZY! I also hear that it's a fav with the karaoke crowd. I love this job.
-May 29, 2007. 2,000,000+. Thats the combined number of plays, of songs that I've worked on, on myspace- according to the players on the artist pages. The fact that none of these artists are "major" artists- I'm rather blown away that their music is being heard to this degree. Absolutely awesome.
-May 26, 2007. Wow. Seems like, and I should have known, that trying to build a house, trying to sell a house and attempting to do anything else in life is, well, just plain stupid! The good news is that I'm just about caught up on life and am ready for summer!!!!! Richmond, VA based Jubeus and I just completed their new record! I'm excited about the record for them. It's currently being mastered by the one and only Jay Frigoletto (Oasis, Alice in Chains). Highly recommend him- he's in my top friends list. A swell guy. I'm also extremely excited about working with Baltimore's Fools and Horses . We wrapped up the bulk of our tracking a couple of minutes ago and they're on their way to Boston for a gig. They recently were picked by Starbuck's for some compilation with a bunch of major artists so, fingers crossed, one of our new tunes will make that record. I'm having a lot of fun with them! Cinder Road are back out with Chris Daughtry and just picked up the entire summer tour with Candlebox. Hot damn, guess I'm looking at a roadtrip! Oh yeah, they're also #1 on the Octane Channel on Sirius. Dig it. Alona is in the final stretch of her project span. It's been forever and I can't thank her enough for dealing with all my crap. Really looking forward to hearing the completed album! Also was in with the one and only Rude Buddha. These guys make me smile! Lots of wacky stuff happening over the next bunch of weeks. I'll save it for next time. Cheers.
-March 31, 2007 Thanks to Butch Walker and his band of merry men (including Jamie from American Hi-Fi ) and Landon Pigg (RCA Records) to contributing to my hangover and slack will in the studio this week! It was great to have everyone out to the studio for grilling and drinking! Check out Landon's music- great guy! Both Madrone and Everyone But Pete have new EP's wrapped up. Mastering for both was handled by Jay Frigoletto (Alice in Chains, Saliva). Alona mixes wrap this week! Whew, almost caught up! Just in time to enjoy spring!
-March 13, 2007. Just finished tracking with The Redfelts down in Orlando, FL. Recording took place at Phat Planet Studios with producer Jim Ebert and myself. Also had the surreal pleasure of checking out the recently sealed and locked up (i mean, reaaaaaly locked up) Transcon Studios (Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Natural). Guess the empire isn't doing too well these days so if you've got the coin, the studio's on the market! Oh yeah, Irene Cara (FAME! I want to liiiive forever!) came busting into our session and told us to turn the "f" down!! Actually I'm kidding- she came in the wrong way, walked through our session, and said hello. But the thought of her kicking in the door and yelling at us is much more rock!
-March 7, 2007. For the love of god, please tell me that I'm not the alone in the world that beat detects his own tamborine parts! I swear I'm better than this. Back to mixing, and waiting for the hot water repair guy, and the telephone repair guy, and the hot tub repair guy, and the impending snow storm. Life seems to be "repaired" at the moment.
-Feb 23, 2007 Limited time Dex Dubious remix available of Alona's The Missing . I'm almost done with the standard mixes for the record and this is a cool spin off! Check it.
-Feb 19, 2007 Back in town after a quick cruise in the caribbean! Zip-line in Belize, snorkel in Cozumel, and obscene eating on the ship. For once it worked out where the weather was terrible back home while I was away!!!! Time to shovel some snow and get back to the rock!
-Feb 11, 2007 Field of Grey's "Warning" is record of the week on 92.9 KRWN (serving AZ, CO and NM). Listen to the CD in its entirety on saturday night from 9-10 pm! I produced and played drums on the single American Beauty. Listen and win a copy of the CD!
-Feb 11, 2007 Finally starting to catch up on everything! Just finished mixing a new single for Adelaide Australia's City Riots . Distributed through MGM, these guys are playing all over the place with upcoming dates in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and more. You won't be disappointed! More snow is on its way here so I'm headed to a warmer spot for a few days! Back in a bit!
-Feb 8, 2007 So a little bit ago I received a note from someone who's work i've always admired. Jack Endino (Nirvana, Mudhoney, Soundgarden) was commenting about a project that I had done and about the vocalists "yarl". In fact, the exact comment was "that's the most extreme yarl I've ever heard!" Well I personally think that f'n rocks! For more info on the yarl... here
-Feb 2, 2007 Congrats go out to our C-ville buddy Brian Craddock for joining up (playing guitar) with American Idol's Chris Daughtry. Have a great tour Brian!
-Feb 2, 2007 Just heard that the song "Nagolove" by the band Four Fifty One was on NBC's Friday Night Lights a couple weeks ago. Always cool to find out things like that! It was a blast working with those guys on that record so I'm happy to hear that things are still moving for them!
-Jan 30, 2007 Please support Cinder Road (formerly PLUNGE) on the Chris Daughtry tour. Most of the tour is sold out but check for availability in your area! Its great to see my boys out doing good! In other news, I hear there are a couple of songs that I worked on making their way into a few major movies and TV shows. Well that doesn't suck now does it? Field of Grey airplay is ever increasing. Lots of reports of spins on satellite and numerous radio stations. They'll be headed back out on tour in April.
-Jan 24, 2007 Old updates are now in the blog section.
-Jan 24, 2007 Mix, mix, mix. Getting ready to mix the new single for Australia's City Riots . Wrapping up mixing with DC's own Alona and starting to mix the new Jubeus release! Lots happening and this just scratches the surface- more on all that later! Bundle up kiddies- its cold out there!
-Jan 18, 2007 Final stretches with Madrone. Kick ass rock the way it should be! Just wrapped up the bulk of tracking for the new Everyone But Pete release! Sounding marvelous! EVERYONE should be heading out to catch Cinder Road , formerly Plunge, on the North American "Chris Daughtry" tour. 3 months of pure rock! Support my boys please! Look for their new release on EMI Records later this year!
-Dec 30, 2006 Nice. I finally voted in my first ever Grammy Awards. I'm so excited to see the bands Jethro Tull and Tuff nominated for soooo many awards! I kid. Anyways, I'm locked away mixing for the next number of weeks, playing catch up from the last month away. Hope everyone has a great New Years! Cheers!
I'm an engineer. I'm a producer.
I've done satellite radio with the Crystal Method, live broadcasts with the Black Crowes, footstomped and handclapped on Marvelous 3's Ready Sex Go, recorded voice-overs with Mariah Carey, Mike Meyers, Troy Aikman, Michael Jordan and the list goes on. I love what I do!
I am ALWAYS looking for rock/pop and hard rock acts that want to do things right. Travel here or I'll travel there. Drop a line to [email protected]
My Studio:
My Creds:

My Interests

music. beach. movies. sushi. ketel + tonic. big giant deep red wines.

places visited, lived in or hung out at the airport!-- japan (tokyo, misawa, fuji, and somewhere else), taipei, okinawa, guam, south korea (all of it!), bangkok, bali, liberia, mauratania, morocco, hongkong, toronto, acension, antigua, jamaica, paris, all over costa rica, mexico, brazil, vancouver, hawaii (maui + kaui), belize, cozumel, and a few others that i'm sure i'm missing. i've managed to hit the majority of the US as well!

I'd like to meet:

You can't imply anything to morons. -a. ertegun RIP


Artists or projects that I've engineered, produced, assisted, played on, mixed, participated, cheerleaded, one of the above or all of the above. Want specifics, email me.

SR-71, Jason Mraz, Cinder Road, The Redfelts, O.A.R., Sinch, Crystal Method (Rockline), Field Of Grey, The Speaks, Citizen Cope, Johnathan Rice, Chris Kirkpatrick (N'Sync), Marvelous 3, Plunge, Mike Ruocco, Welbilt, City Riots (Australia), Neil Fallon (Clutch), Jubeus, Adelyn, Brindley Brothers, Niki Barr, Down To This, Andy Zipf, Superbeing, Juniper Lane, BOB, Sickshot, Evenout, Waking State, Lionize, Fighting Gravity, Robby Red, Four Fifty One, Halfway Broken, Madrone, Funny Money, Supermack, 33-West, Pallino, Everyone But Pete, Swythe, Last Train Home, A Day Dream Theory, Torn, Melbourne, All Together Spent, Illuminati, Regan, Bicycle Thieves, Nick Garrett Band, Practically Einstein, Evick, Soulys, Claire Tozzi, Jonasay, John Luskey, Kate Starr, Given, Everyone But Pete, The Canvas, Jackie Gino, Evick, Rana, Stonegato, Stepanian, Jubeus, Tim Steele (the Ravens), Pictures in Pieces, 3 Star Karma, Keyna, Stillwell, Dan Haas, Mariah Carey (Voice Over), Michael Jordan (Voice Over), Mike Meyers (Voice Over), Troy Aiken (Voice Over), Elektra Records, Warner Brothers Records, Warner Brothers Canada, Warner Brothers Asia, Columbia Records, EMI Records, Atenzia Records, Versatile Records, Rock Ridge, RCA Records, Lava Records, Arista Records

Producers/Mixers/Mastering that I've worked with or have worked on projects of mine:

Marti Frederiksen

Adam Moseley
(The Cure, Kiss)

John Alagia
(Dave Matthews, John Mayer)

Jeff Juliano
(Jason Mraz, Bruce Hornsby, Lifehouse)

Steven Haigler
(Fuel, Pixies, Exies, Jimmies Chicken Shack)

Ted Comerford
(Virginia Coalition, Ebo)

Jim Ebert
(Butch Walker, Marvelous 3, Meredith Brooks)

Drew Mazurek
(Linkin Park, Nothingface)

Mike Watts

Chris Keup
(Jason Mraz, Johnathan Rice)

Doug Derryberry
(Bruce Hornsby)

Chris Kress
(Dave Matthews Band)

Stewart Meyers
(Agents of Good Roots)

John Hampton
(Gin Blossoms)* mixed Superbeing

Jay Frigoletto
(Saliva, INXS)

Mitch Allan

Harry Evans
(Fools and Horses)

Jared Bartlett
(Last Train Home)

Steve Barber
(The Miles)

Paul Barber
(My Favorite Highway)


I'm easily amused and can watch almost anything- with one exception. Today I was killing time before motivating out for other things and I saw "Roadhouse 2" on the channel. They made a sequel? I remembered Roadhouse as being somewhat entertaining (even if it was Patrick Swayze). After 5 minutes of this lovely adventure I would sooner amputate my foot by chewing through it with my own teeth than to watch another moment of this fine example of masterpiece theater. You, director and cast of "Road House 2", should apologize to each and every poor, suffering, individual who mistakenly turned on your movie thinking it may actually be amusing. Jake Busey (Gary's son).... please ask your dad to put a bullet in your skull. That's five minutes of my life I'll never see again. That sux.

My Blog

Contact Info

[email protected](703) 629-4108
Posted by producer scott on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:43:00 PST

(updated 12/4/07) (new blog)

I've created a site on blogger. Sorry Myspace, it's just easier. scottspelbring.blogspot.comHope you're not too bored, and yes, it'll contain some Japan tour stuff.
Posted by producer scott on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:11:00 PST

Discography 2007/2006 Released Projects (work in progress)

Discography (E:Engineer, M:Mixer, P:Producer, Mus:Musician)(2007) Madrone (E/M/P) Cause and Compromise(2007) Everyone But Pete (E/M/P/Mus) EP(2007) The Redfelts (E) P: Jim Ebert (Butch Walker)(2007) C...
Posted by producer scott on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:20:00 PST

-old updates 2006 (projects)

-Dec 13, 2006 Finally starting to really feel better. Couple of setbacks this week, maybe I started getting into work a little too early. Full tilt tomorrow. I'm flippin excited!-Nov 13-27, 2006 Being...
Posted by producer scott on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:15:00 PST

-old updates 2005 (projects)

-Dec 19, 2005 Tracking with Jackie Gino through the rest of the year! Merry F'n Xmas! -Dec 12, 2005 Tracking and mixing with alt'ae (alternative reggae) hipsters Lionize.  These guys make me happ...
Posted by producer scott on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 03:13:00 PST