trying to make the world a better place. trying to make my heart a better place. firemen. L_O_V_E.
vladamir putin- topless! ~~~~~~~and people who are honest, kind hearted, funny, mostly sober, literate, respectful, loyal, and not afraid of not looking cool enough to impress the d-bags they might call friends. ~~~~~~~~ 3 ( i guess i have just been betrayed too many times by the people i have trusted and don't want to be in the same place again.)
i went to rock the bells and you did not. ya- that does make my year better. and i like anything but tejano- it's the devils music. my favorite right now is Otis.
Hot Fuzz, Black Sheep ( the zombie sheep movie, not the other), all the Star Trek and Star Wars movies. Stand By Me. Xanadu ( fuck you if you don't love it! ). Any old romantic movie or comedy. I love movies from the golden age, when actors and actresses had class and style.
Flight of the Concords. I want to marry those two guys. i am in looooove. star trek. mystery!
currently- the past through tomorrow- i like the sci-fi... - check out my friend heathers book- The Forgotten Past- by Heather Hayashi-
my family. honest, hardworking, people who think about others, and not so much about themselves. volunteers. people who love.