Corrina Repp profile picture

Corrina Repp

maybe we should spend some time apart?

About Me

Solo for many years until recently. Joined by Liza Rietz, Evan Railton, and Ryan Stowe for Spring European extravaganza 2007!! (Thanks to Nadin for bringing us over.) This tour is to support the release of THE ABSENT AND THE DISTANT. A Caldo Verde records release which is the label of Mark Kozelek best known for his days with The Red House Painters and his current band Sun Kil Moon. He has been amazing. Most recent news, the Europe tour was incredible. Mostly due to The Album Leaf, and everyone on that tour not to mention what great fun it was to play music and travel with Liza, Evan and Ryan. Yes, "when in Rome....". Joe Haege and I are in full swing with Tu Fawning, and have added new members, Liza Rietz, and Toussaint Perrault. 12" ep recorded by Kevin Robinson is on the way while we search for a home to put out our full length. Corrina Repp solo is on hiatus until the Fall of 2008 when I hope to start work on a new solo record.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/25/2005
Band Website: and
Band Members: Corrina Repp.Players sometimes include in varying formations: Joe Haege, Liza Rietz, Evan Railton, Ryan Stowe, Rachel Blumberg, Adam Selzer, Andy Bacon and Nick Luca.For BOOKING contact Derek Becker at Satellite Booking. For EUROPE booking contact me at [email protected]
Record Label: Caldo Verde Records, Hush Records
Type of Label: Indie