lulz, so much MySpam profile picture

lulz, so much MySpam

its hard for me to not to be a ninja, its like trying to not be a human...

About Me

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Hey, my name is Brandon... dont have shit for a happy life story, so i wont share it. As of lately, my sanity is slipping beyond dangerous realms and my memory is probably some of the worst in the kalamazoo area... I'm ur basic psycho, but at least im safe to be around unless u piss me off (i guess u could say that about every1 though)

My Interests

explosives, computers, paintball, snowboarding, tunes, gaming, NOT playing WoW, making random shit out of junk, biking, hanging out with friends (of course), and meeting new peeps, and as most of u know... hosting,starting, and attending partays (partays are much cooler than the average party for the record)

I'd like to meet:

theres not really too many people i would like to meet... pretty much just homeless people because somehow they have more knowledge and insight on life than most people... well, better wording would be "most homeless people"... i just dont trust them crack heads


i HAD over 200 gigs of music when i had my computer, so itd be insane to list it all cause i like it allso basically punk, rock, metal, SOME rap (Will Smith is my h3ro), classic rock, techno, or any mixture of the prev. listed genres


same concept as music, way too much to list off so basically, action, supernatural, scifi, documentaries, suspense, and comical movies are what i look for, but im always open to a new flick to watch


no cable... but most animes are cool, if all else is lost, then i guess its safe to resort to angry beavers... good shit right there...


i hate to read, unless by the very slim chance of it being interesting to me... which means it pretty much has to be ridiculously amazing for me to be able to finish it


i honestly dont have any... at least that exist in real life... i guess thats what happens when u choose real people to look up to and then u find out theyre shady as fuck or start fucking their lives up...

My Blog

long time, no use

wow, so its been a while since ive updated... so i just did...   for all u cool catz out there that are even interested in whats been goin on lately in the little world of breed (b-reed should gi...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Thu, 15 May 2008 05:13:00 PST

To Jesus/Matt

Though you and i were never best friends, you were always one that i looked up to for many things. You were always optomistic about everything and at least tried to put a smile on your face as well as...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:24:00 PST

Post Party

so yeah, party review... i guess it went well, from what i understand, there wasnt 1 person that wished to be somewhere else... the band was great (i guess their next gig sucked compaired to my party....
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 06:12:00 PST

ive come to realize...

wow, so i just found something out about myself today, just by writing one paragraph in english that i never thought id figure out about myself... and its linked through my child hood...ok here it is....
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:06:00 PST

Windows VISTA review

ok, so i have the release client 1 (yes, it does expire on June 1st, which is well after the release date for the full program) and wow, it is amazing, money or no money, im gonna find a way to buy it...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:53:00 PST

Operation Omega

ok, for those of you not in the know, operation omega was a senior planned operation to fork our old band directors lawn... well, she lived in Muncie IN... 3.5 hours away... we had our work cut out fo...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:38:00 PST

so its been a while since my last blog

yeah, its been a while since my last blog... so here it is... party tomorrow so im gettin ready for that, school is kickin the llama's ass when it comes to classes for this year... but yeah, the party...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 06:28:00 PST

Details on HIM concert and more

holy crap that concert was fun... this is a follow up on it... basically a lot of fun was had... gonna go bulleted list/paragraph style to stay organized... - opening band was Aiden... they rocked so...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Mon, 22 May 2006 07:54:00 PST


k, u know what, this has buggin me more recently than anything else... theres this thing called a hipocrit... well, i dont like it/them... lately its been happening A LOT that i keep running into GREA...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 07:36:00 PST

Obeesity... grrr

ok, im gonna say this off the bat here, i dont feel like retyping this to show in myspace (water_freak) or in my xanga (cloakedcomputer)... so here it is, my RANT on the blame of obeesity... lately on...
Posted by lulz, so much MySpam on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 10:39:00 PST