Music, Movies, Writing, i like to smack girls's true, sittin' back on the ol couch and watching tv, drinkin' (i heard im pretty good at it), Darts, hangin wit da homies...NAH MEEN!?YOU WHHOULD!
my bill collectors and apologiZe for ignoring them all these years...sorry you consistent ya!
oh yeah and mmmmmm...AVRIL!
too much to name - i damn near love it all - try meFairToMidland in Madison 12/13/07 - that's me yapping in the beginning (ah yes and its KeViNs vid)
I'm in NETFLIX so i pretty much have a new favorite movie every week
Nip/Tuck, Family Guy, Scrubs, The Dog Whisperer, Dirty Jobs, King of Queens, Intervention , rob + Big..
I recently read Mitch Alboms FOR ONE MORE eyes were a lil moist......YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!
Kathy and Marty GonZales (mom + pops), Kevin Foster (big bully bro), Heather Krueger (older lil sister)
by the way - holla atcha boy WILLIE (aka. william clover) ladies!!! #9 on the list - cool ass muhFuKa! Share a TIKI LOVE BOWL with him :)
adopt your own virtual pet!