--Xtrashy-faffiX--™ |13k+| profile picture

--Xtrashy-faffiX--™ |13k+|

last name = a

About Me

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if pic dosent work:www.myspace.com/150540669
13k+ friend count
i have one rule for w4w DONT ask in comments
Ok, so i've been meaning to write here for a while.so here we go.I'm Shannon but my friends call me Faffi.Why? just ask i dont wanna make this thing any longer by explain it.I go to TCC if you go there you know what it is. if not well you dont need to know.I live in Australia. Not america, Not england but Australia.and trust me it isnt as good as it sounds. Im half asian half aussie.I know its a bunch of unless information but for some reason everyone i know asks me that, i dont care what race i am, or what race you are, i'm not racist but i hate people obessed with there race its stupid and i just don't get it.I'm quite smart i hate people who think i'm not just cause i believe in having fun rather then act like it, trust me i dont seem that smart in real life but looks can be deceiving. I'm not scene, emo, gothic or any type of shit like that im shannon. Also I'm not Bi or lez, i hav no problem with people who are but i like guys.Think you've seen me in real life? i seriously doubt it. if your i another country well that explains it self or if you think you've seen in sydney well again doubt it, i don't talk to randoms that much but if some how you have come say hi Lol. I'm not a fucking fake, trust me if i was a faker i'd choose someone with way better hair. My friends are fucking awesome, you wish you had friends like mine. Binki owns my ass Lol.Don't send me hate mail its pointless and gets you no where. Talk to me, i won't bite just comment/message me and i'll probably write back, if i don't write back straight away don't get pissed i just get alot of mail. I might sound a bit mean so some shit like that but i'm actually really nice, as long as your nice to me, otherwise i'm a sarcastic bitch Lol. ohhh right sarcastism that reminds me dont take what i say the seriously i'm normally being sarcastic but on myspace its hard to tell.
-comment me
-message me
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-pic comment me
-whore me
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-send hate mail
-ask for a free whore
-ask w4w in comments
-delete me
-block me
= ask me first
=dont have yet, sorry
comment me? message me? add me? pwz :]♥

My Interests


Friends ♥the best ppl eva:


♥my life:

trains i own/ co-own
| Elite Royalty |
| Chaotic Perfection |
| Vanity & Imperfection |

trains im on
FA | G | GS | SOS
