Dianne Von Murdertits profile picture

Dianne Von Murdertits

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Some things about me...

*I'm constantly deleting people of my friend list... soo DO NOT ADD ME IF YOU DON'T HAVE PLANS TO TALK TO ME...
*I hate being tickled. Sure, it makes me laugh... but when I get tickled, I get pissed off.
*I’m quiet... but sometimes I talk a lot, it depends on the people... and the moment
*I trust very few people
*I don't need to put up with anyone's bullshit, I already have enough and pointless things to deal with...
*I think art moves the world
*I believe in DTA
*I don't believe in love
*I love ice skating and bike riding... tough I've suffered several accidents hahahah
*I get bored easily, so I'm always making up things to keep my mind busy...
*I love EA... and Kate Moennig
*I'm majoring architecture, so I rarely have time for doing anything and spend my free time sleeping
*I love photography!
*Sometimes I feel really apathetic towards everything
*I try to be tolerant… yet somehow some people really manage to make me mad
*I'm opened to all kind of new things, I try to have an opened mind towars almost everything
*I like to take a walk alone once a while...
*I would like to learn Russian... or Dutch
*I get pissed off of being around of dumb people
*Kids older than 5 years and me... we just don't play
*Most of time I'm misanthropic, as my nickname says...
*Cheesecake, muffins, cupcakes... in general, I love all kinds of desserts with high content of calories and sugar :D, even tough I know I shouldn't eat them if I want to lose weight...
*I don't think anyone will take the time to read this... but anyway, here it is

Dear MissAnnThrope