Knitting, Cheese--all kinds, from stinky to "jesus, did something die in here?"--, Olives, Anchovies, Hoegaarden, Agua de Valencia, Vinho Verde, Sharktooth Salmon,Mexican Sour creme..mmmm.. Salmonmanders, Sharktooth Salmonmanders, Protecting my hermit crabs against certain death, Coloring, Photography and I'm gonna try and keep this little photo diary, Hedgehogs, Dachshunds, Matty, Matty playing with Dachshunds, Matty crying at penguins, world travel, Toshi R.I.P., moving to Spain or New York,Cheez-its, Not killing pet fish, uhhh, yep.
And a dachshund named Lump.
Anything by anyone in the Magnetic Fields (6ths, etc.), Old Sleater-Kinney, Old Le Tigre, MIA (what what!!), Salt-N-Pepa, L'Trimm, Parliament, Mates of State, Gravy Train!!!, Patsy Cline, Tito Puente, Senor Coconut, Serge Gainsbourg, Neutral Milk Hotel. Missy Elliott, Wanda Jackson, Tracy and the Plastics, Tears for Fears, The Sea and Cake, The Aislers Set, Bjork (she saved my life), Belle and Sebastian, Celia Cruz, cocorosie, Sergio Mendes, StereoLab, Broadcast, Animal Collective Chicks on Speed (but Tom Tom Club did a better job with Wordy Rappinghood).
John Waters, Almodovar, Christopher Guest, Jim Jarmusch (some), most spanish cinema, a lot of czech stuff, 80s aerobic exercise videos (does that count?), Jeunet et Caro, Mother Goose's Rock and Rhyme, Dark Crystal, Labryinth (better than Dark Crystal--David Bowie!!). The Apartment, The happiness of the katakuris, battle royale, anything spanish,The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, and so damn much more.
7th Heaven, Paula Dean's Home Cookin', Blow Out, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Anthony Bourdain's new shows, Six Feet Under (sob), Sex and the City (uncut), AbFab, Strangers with Candy (Jerri Blank's on my MySpace), freaks and geeks, my so called life.
Geek Love by Kathrine Dunn, Michelle Tea, Francesca Lia Block (Weetzie Bat), David Sedaris, Chuck Palahniuk, J.D. Salinger, White Orchid by Janet Fitch, Margaret Atwood, travel books, Elle Magazine, Jane, Bust, Weekly World News, really trashy British tabloids like Hello! and Okay! and Heat!
Captain Planet...he's our hero...