Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend profile picture

Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace is a lame fad..but I'm on it.I love debate,conflict and controversy.I hate people that fulfill stereotypes .okay maybe I don't hate them but I dislike them.Sales are orgasmic. All of the words that I use I can spell.I know I'm attractive but thats not all I consist of.If you know me you know this.I am confident and strong but underneath Im a turtle. Random people talk to me and initiate conversations..and like the crazy person I am I engage in them..I hate reality television because it doesn't depict reality. Reality is global warming,starvation and unnecessary war. Don't mind me I have issues.Welcome to CHANTELLE'S myspace page.

My Interests

Having a Kick ass debate..Taking pictures....Being myself...and enjoying life....walking around ...sight seeing..meeting new people....the computer is interesting too

I'd like to meet:

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..I listen to basically anything that moves me...Lots of different genre's just ask my ipod..however my favorite music is anything from the past.I'm big on Classic R&B and ...Its my history:).I absolutely love music that makes me want to jump as if im in carnival season.Lots of Calypso,Soca,Reggae,Bachatas,and Reggaeton.I also enjoy Alternative music.Some Rock and alot of jazz...oh yeah I looooooooove Christmas music I listen to it all year


...Titanic,Lion King,Artificial Intelligence(It moves me),Miss Congeniality and absolutely anythin with Johnny Depp.!!!!!


I dont watch much tv but I enjoy the history Channel and whatever cultivates my mind. I also enjoy the metro channel..LUv_ fashion,


....My favorite book would be the all time classics...To kill a mockingbird ,Huckleberry Finn, and The Scarlet Letter....I LUV Edgar allen Poe,...if he was alive i'd kiss him:)


gaundhi.....Bill CLinton..My Grandmother an avid political rights activist...and all those who fought for the rights of African Americans,Immigrants,and those who chose to live different lifestyles.

My Blog

.3 Years.On MYSPACE.

OKay So the last time I blogged was probably 2006.I think.well I dont think it matters..I've never  been much of a writer anywhos...lmao.Well as a recession  occurs & my field is affecte...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:20:00 PST

Im so degusted.Stop this immediately..

Why is it that everyone is now a model???.lmao.or at least are under the impression that they are models....???..wassup with the club pics that are taken by photography companies??.7 days and seven ni...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:49:00 PST

.........FREsh_MAN No More

It's April well basically May ......3 years to go. Im Sitting in the Study Quad...Trying to desperately manage what I think is life,College is  fun but no joke.It definitly isnt high school....Th...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST

..This is it.. i got it.

.......WOrking sucks ........but im here.....Iff i write another essay ill probably pass out.....ughh.....or maybe not ill just get it in...everyone is growing up...people that used to seeem oh so inn...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:48:00 PST

FAshion catastrophe

Since  when did it become such a trend to look outlandish.?????...since when did these h.s students make it  their business to have the fashion industry in the hallways....these  people...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

AT WOrk...dammmmmn

well here i am the   center of corporate america once again..not doing anything...(besides talkin on the  phone, searching through  myspace and eating  halal food every o...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 08:08:00 PST

im sick*cough*

  hey i havent been to school for a while...bcuz my ear is in feels like its been amputated in vietnam days ..and then someone put a large bucket on my head and held me wai...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 10:36:00 PST

rememeberin halloween.......that shit was soooo hot!! theres pics!!

Remember  the days  when  u were   like  4  yrs old and  u couldnt  wait  until  u went trick or treatin?...welll damn it was  a  minut...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 09:36:00 PST

School!!!....what else ?

this  shit is  simply crazy .....who eva said   that  id  be  sittin  in class  with  my 3rd year  of  senioritis...awaitin  the last d...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 10:41:00 PST

i went 6 flags ...yesterday,,,it was hottt!!

i went to six  flags yesterdAY AND STILL FEELIN  was  i had  fun  ......with the  lesbians//lol and  my cuz ..lolz...i did  alotta  pole ...
Posted by Chantelles Sophistication is not a trend on Mon, 05 Sep 2005 08:31:00 PST