Susan profile picture


I get your point, but you're WRONG! - Sarah

About Me

Growing up: My mom had a thing for plastic. On the furniture, runners on the floor... Did I mention this was the 70's?

College: My first exposure to the little-known art of toilet papering! My first collaborative project? Gift wrapping a car. At midnight.

Beer: Beer is beer is beer. Especially when it's wrapped in a brown label with the word "BEER" printed on it. AT $1.39 a six pack - who was I to complain?

Getting high: Yes, I inhaled and suddenly the Weather Channel was ..fascinating..! What was I talking about?

Sex: Men are beautiful. Women are beautiful. Fat, skinny, tall, short, brown, pink... Whatever! I am a hang-up free zone.

Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder, period.

Being authentic: Ultimately, the only standards and values I have to live up to are mine. Judge me all you want, I don't care. I'm not living my life to please anyone but me.

Politics: Could we start again please?

Writing: I love it, and it continually surprises me.

Spirituality: My foundation, my source, my inspiration, my frustration. Everything I am stems from The Source of All Things.

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!

My Interests

There are so many things, and so little time! I enjoy slash fiction mainly in the Buffy/Angel verses, World of Warcraft, Dungeons & Dragons (geeky me!) music, making jewelry, throwing pottery, mandalas, and writing.

Environmental/social issues, alternative housing & building, alternative/holistic health, spirituality & living consciously, tantra as a world view.

I'd like to meet:

IN-terest-ING MON-sters, who lead IN-terest-ING LI-ves! Yes, I grew up on Bugs Bunny & Looney Toons!

Seriously though, I'm a real person, with real feelings, and I want to meet the same. If you dream, love, laugh, wonder, sweat the small stuff or the big stuff and want to join me on my journey, I want to meet you.

If you send me a friend request, please drop me a line and tell me why you'd like me to add you. If your profile is "friends-only", you know I can't read it, so please introduce yourself with a proper e-mail.


I will forever love the music of the 70's: Bowie, KISS, Judas Priest, Zeppelin, Elton John, Styx, Journey, and 80's heavy metal: Queensryche, Night Ranger, Dokken, Motley Crue, Warrant, Poison...

Love heavy, sexy, hip-grinding guitars!

I actually do like music made in this decade, my favorites are on my page, check them out!

I love melodic music, hard or soft, not overly fond of pop - although I do like to dance. Anyway you slice it, gangsta rap just ain't my thing.


Dogville, Strange Love of Martha Ivers, Sunset Boulevard, Star Wars, Hammer Classics, Horror movies with Vincent Price, Event Horizon, Pitch Black, Body Double, Suspiria, movies that are total mind-fucks ala Memento.

I LOVE cheesy horror films with bad acting! Mystery Science Theatre 3000 was such a joy to watch in it's day! In MST3k tradition, I crack myself up to bad horror & sci-fi movies whenever I get the chance.

I love movies in general, I'll watch pretty much anything except war pictures & love stories (unless the love story includes the words "Wuv, twue wuv...")

A touching look at the reality of making it big, quickly. I urge everyone to see it!


Favorites right now: TORCHWOOD!!!! and (new) Dr. Who. (Although I admit that I prefer the Doctor from season one.) I'm also quite fond of Supernatural, Bones, and House.

When I remember I watch Nip/Tuck, Dexter, and Masters of Horror

I also watch my share of reality tv, cause watching people who will do anything to be on television, is fascinating.


Some authors I like are RA Salvatore, Laurel K. Hamilton, Clive Barker, Preston & Childs, Stephen King, Sherri S. Tepper, Marion Zimmer Bradely, Robert Heinlein, Anne Rice, Paul Ferrini, SARK...

I read a lot. Recently slash fiction which is totally addictive. My fav ships: Xander/Spike/Angel.

Audiobooks are extremely convenient, I can listen to them and do just about anything. The last book I listened to was The Ruins by Scott Smith. The creep-factor of the book outweighs the movie by tons! Really, really good book.

Interwoven in all the above are books on spirituality, and self-growth/evolution.


um... Batman, Daredevil, Swamp Thing, and (the original)Ghost Rider!

Oh, you mean real life? Katherine Hepburn, Whoopi Goldberg, Christopher Reeve.

My Blog

Henry David Thoreau

"In short, I am convinced, both by faith and experience, that to maintain one’s self on this earth is not a hardship but a pastime, if we will live simply and wisely... It is not necessary that ...
Posted by Susan on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:29:00 PST

I just made a loan to someone in the "developing world" via I can't tell you just how empowered it made me feel to actually help someone one-on-one to make their life, and the lives of the ...
Posted by Susan on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:25:00 PST

this and that

I've been feeling really restless lately. I'm wondering if it's because of the lunar eclipse - it's supposed to signal changes etc. It could also be because I've decided to go through a major detox&nb...
Posted by Susan on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:22:00 PST

Idiotspeak - brought to you by Sean Hannitys myspace page

Everyone who supported slavery was free.Everyone who supports abortion was born.And that, my friends, is how oppression works.-AnonymousWTF???  That's up there among the dumbest things I've ever ...
Posted by Susan on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 01:20:00 PST

Ready for Love

I've never heard a song that completely expresses how I feel more than this one.  Since it's Valentines Day, I'm thinking it's pretty appropriate. India Arie - Ready For LoveUploaded by ...
Posted by Susan on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:41:00 PST

Mythbusting Canadian Health Care - Part I

 Mythbusting Canadian Health Care - Part I     By Sara Robinson     Monday 04 February 2008 In the universal health...
Posted by Susan on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:43:00 PST

Mondo Bondage!

I just added The Tubes, and I'm tickled! LOL Music and a heavy dose of satire - how can you go wrong?  I've missed listening to them, and a lot of other music for that matter, cause they're all o...
Posted by Susan on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 01:20:00 PST

Asylum 08 here I come!

I'm going to England, I'm going to England!! *skips about like a loon* Yup, everything is booked/confirmed/etc. I'm SO excited!! My first convention - hell my first international convention! LOLIt...
Posted by Susan on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:11:00 PST


I'm thinking of shaving my head.  Bald.  Going for that whole "Nubian Goddess" look.  Yeah.
Posted by Susan on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:02:00 PST

New Years Intent - status complete!

Well almost complete.  I still need to create a graphic.  Anyhoo here it is - feel free to join etc. Surviving Ugliness
Posted by Susan on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:58:00 PST