I'm a passionate young lady with ambition, drive and determination . Doing more than just dreaming by making moves to get things happening. I'm the rolling stone gathering no moss, seizing the opportunities, getting things done, makin moves. Come roll...
Business wise, professionally I work in the cultural and creative sector - outside of work I'm currently working on a youth theatre project and have a few radio features in the pipeline. Watch this space...
And finally, a personal insight into me...
When I love I love real and hard, friend or partner, I love to love and I love to give love. Love doesn't always have to be sexual...some of our most intimate moments are non-physical...our intentions, the power of what we say, the words we write and the conviction of our actions is of paramount importance to the sincerity of everything we do. I guess that's why I write poetry...for the love of it, for the unrestrained expression, the verbal mastery and the unabashed realness that we find easier to say in words than orally.