I love to just hang around and bum out...but if i am leaving my house, i LOVE to go to concerts. I'll see anyone really even if i don't like them.
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only the HOTTEST most SEXIEST man alive...Mr. John Bongiovi (ooohhh baby!!!just gimme a minute...hehe)
oh yeah, and also a man who appreciates and respects me, and loves me for who i am not what he wants me to be...but i'll settle for Bon Jovi *wink wink*
Always Video - Bon Jovi lyrics Bon Jovi Music Video Codes Music Video Codes by VideoCure.com Anything and everything for real. My absolute favorite thing to listen to though, and I could listen for days at a time and never get tired is of course my man Bon Jovi. Maroon 5, and any pretty much any country. Nothing real wild and crazy
My favorite movie used to be Dirty Dancing but i recently saw Jarhead, and that is easily my new favorite movie - even though it is nothing like the real thing, but whatever. i used to watch a lot of movies, but not so much anymore - i'll watch anything i don't get bored with in the first 20 minutes.
I am a reality tv junkie (a tv junkie in general). I love celebrity fit club, project runway, last comic standing, survivor, american idol...really any reality tv. And don't even think about bothering me during law and order, especially SVU (with my other man..)
I hate to read, really i do. But in one day maybe two i can read any book about disney world that you give me, no matter how long. i love disney world - i would live there if you could. "The Fat Girl's Guide to Life" by Wendy Shanker. So good, even if you are not part of the "larger" crowd, it's definately a book anybody can relate to.
"Carpe Dieum" (Seize the day)...I just take life one day at a time, i don't really have any real role model. and if one day i find one thats wonderful, if not - i know i lived my life my way!