"De La Cruz" DrumSticks & Cymbals profile picture

"De La Cruz" DrumSticks & Cymbals

Look For The Cross

About Me

All of our custom drumsticks are crafted to the same high standards as our De La Cruz Cymbals. Manufactured with state-of-the-art consistency, they are 100% guaranteed straight. Whatever your stick preference or playing style, you'll find the perfect stick among De La Cruz's vast selection of sizes, lengths and wood tip styles. All of our sticks are crafted from the highest quality of Exotic Maple Wood. We manufacture the only brand of ergonomic drumsticks approved by chiropractors in the world!! De La Cruz Custom Cymbals are individually cast from our unique B20 alloy formula. Castings are individually poured, hammered, lathed, and polished. We manufacture Modern Drumsticks & Modern Cymbals For The Modern Drummer.Drummer for 25 yrs., traveled the world, & enjoy life to its fullest. Diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel in 2003 made me realize that I had to inform drummers of the fx of not using the proper drumsticks. I've invested a lot of time & money to come up with my own brand of drumsticks that brought feeling back to my hands without having surgery. Chiropractor Approved Drumsticks!!! If you think you have the initial symptoms of carpal tunnel, pain in your forearms or initial mild numbness in your hand or fingers, it is important to take action preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common problem affecting the hand and wrist. Symptoms begin when the median nerve gets squeezed inside the carpal tunnel of the wrist, a medical condition known as nerve entrapment. Any condition that decreases the size of the carpal tunnel or enlarges the tissues inside the tunnel can produce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.This syndrome has received a lot of attention in recent years because of suggestions that it may be linked with occupations that require repeated use of the hands, such as drumming.One of the first symptoms of CTS is gradual numbness in the areas supplied by the median nerve. This is quickly followed by pain where the nerve gives sensation in the hand. The hand may begin to feel like it's "asleep," especially in the early morning hours after a night's rest.Pain may spread up the arm to the shoulder and even to the side of the neck. If the condition progresses, the thenar muscles of the thumb can weaken and atrophy, causing the hand to be clumsy when picking up a glass or cup. If the pressure keeps building in the carpal tunnel, the thenar muscles may begin to shrink (atrophy).The carpal tunnel is an opening through the wrist to the hand that is formed by the bones of the wrist on the bottom and the transverse carpal ligament on the top. (Ligaments connect bones together.) This opening forms the carpal tunnel. ..
