2007-2008 Artist of the Year profile picture

2007-2008 Artist of the Year

I am here for Networking

About Me

At www.shanehendren.com you can find a more detailed and comprehensive accounting of who I am and my interest. But in a few words I am the proud father of four wonderful children, an artist, metalsmith, jewelry designer, equestrian and business owner. I strive to walk in beauty and find balance and harmony in all aspects of my life. I live each day as completely as I can. If you have additional questions ask Rayne.CRAZYHORSEWEST.COM AND SHANE R. HENDREN invite you to join Shane Hendren, Artist of the Year Jewelry Trunk Show, celebrating a successful year Saturday, February 9, 2008. This opportunity is provided to you by Chuck Paul, host of this event, with food and beverages in the Clubhouse of Broadstone Apartments. We hope you will take this opportunity to peruse and collect from Hendren's new Spring Collection. We encourage you to bring your friends, invite your friends, or pass this along. Thank you! Address: 6000 Cortaderia St. NE Albuquerque, NM MySpace Layouts

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Creative people who are open minded and desire to expand their horizons. I am drawn to the beauty of humanity in all of its forms. As an artist I am compeled to try to understand the beauty within all people. I want interaction with people who are positive and giving. I hope that your exposure to me is as positive as my exposure to you.


All kinds. I am most engrossed in Sirius Satellite radio these days - talk radio, comedy, the blues, outlaw and non-conformist music.


From time to time, however most mainstream films lack depth and creativity. I find myself enjoying documentries more and more as well as instructional films and video. Rayne does get me to watch a chick flick from time to time.


Rarely, can't think of anything I would be willing to endorse at this time.


More into periodicals, magazines are very reflective of who we are as a society.


My parents, my kids, my ancestors.

My Blog

Who is an Indian Artist?

At the last IACA Board meeting a question was raised regarding who is an American Indian Artist?  The mission of the Indian Arts and Crafts Association is to preserve and protect authentic Americ...
Posted by 2007-2008 Artist of the Year on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:48:00 PST

Museum of Indian Arts and Culture Purchase

I would like to first thank the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, Santa Fe, NM for purchasing the reversible necklace that won me the Artist of the Year Award from the Indian Arts and Crafts A...
Posted by 2007-2008 Artist of the Year on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:33:00 PST