Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll... all the important stuff really.
Kindred Spirits
Usually that would be people who share some of my interests or views, people who are patient, friendly, kind and courteous.I like people who look out for others, my true friends will stick up for me when I'm not around. They can expect the same.I am drawn to interesting and unique individuals with a zest for life. They usually have "a spark".If they do, then I'm hooked.Nemesii Umm, basically the opposite of the above.People who are selfish, wankers/pretentious, impatient, uncaring, backstabbers, liars, bullies etc etc.Another thing you can do to piss me off lately is be unwilling to hear different opinions to your own. Especially people who commonly hurl their opinion at others, occasionally hurting them, really get their back up when it's on the other foot.Oh, and ESPECIALLY the *pretentious* middle aged women (always dressed middle/upper class) who unmercilessly cut in front of me in Queue's at McDonalds.I think I give a lot to my friends and I guess I expect a bit back... Fair is fair, eh?
I have a seriously broad taste in music; So anything that sounds good, carries a nice melody, good lyrics, thumping beats, just sweet gentle beautiful music, and basically anything that ROCKS!! I deleted my music vid off myspace as it was running too slowly.
Big Trouble In Little Vagina, Forrest Hump, Inspect Her Gadget, Breakfast On Tiffany, For Your Thighs Only, Riding on Boys in Cars, Saturday Night Beaver, Intercourse With The Vampire, White Men Can't Hump, Schindler's Fist, Throbbin' Hood, and just for good measure; Tea Bagger Vance... Scary that those are actually titles!?!
No thanks, I'm Irish.
Pretty much anything by Paulo Coelho is absolute magic for me.
I also like "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy. Oh, Where's Wally!People I wish inspired me more;
Bill Hicks ( Video - Insightful and Hilarious): Comedian, Revolutionary, Peace Lover, Musician.Mahatma Gandhi ( Video - ok so it's from the movie so maybe slightly dramatised?): Peace Lover, Activist, Lawyer, Spiritual Leader, Revolutionary."Che" Guevarra: Revolutionary, Doctor, Activist, Peace Lover, Army Commandant, Cuban Minister of industry.John Lennon: Musician, Singer, Song Writer, Peace Lover, Grammy Winner, Activist, Revolutionary... Hey all my heroes are dead! (and revolutionaries/peace lovers); No wonder I'm disillusioned...
People who could inspire me less;Homer Simpson, Glenn Quagmire, Ren Hoek, Al Bundy, Eric Cartman, Our Political Leaders... no wait, they couldnt.