About Me
1 outlook: You can’t change life but you can change the world.
2 flaws: I care too much about what others think. I’m working on that. Well, I keep telling myself that I am working on it. I say “like†a lot and probably talk to fast. I’m not spending too much time on that one though.
3 authors: CS Lewis, Robert Frost, Karis
4 seasons: I love them all. That is another thing about me, I don’t like making decisions. But just look at the seasons. Spring: Beautiful flowers and butterflies. I love butterflies. Something about that beautiful metamorphosis that they go through. Summer: Carefree, fun, and a bit uninhibited. Fall: The colors that leaves take is enough to take my breath away. I love just walking through the woods completely surrounded by those leaves. Winter: Snow. Waking up in the morning and seeing everything, ground, trees, and sky turned white. It’s so beautiful and pure.
5 drinks: Diet Dr. Pepper, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Shirley Temples (anything with grenadine), Guinness
6 places I’ve lived: South Carolina, California, Massachusetts, Virginia, Michigan, and Turkey
7 things I want to do: Make a scrapbook, buy a dSLR, SCUBA dive, have a family, do service work in Africa, go to Brazil, own a KitchenAide.
8 lines in my favorite poem (Blue Butterfly Day – Robert Frost)
9 minutes I spent trying to figure out something in my life that had to do with the number nine. If you think of something, let me know.
10 artists I love: Sister Hazel, Matthew West, Dispatch, Third Day, Lyle Lovette, Tim Blane, Derek Webb, Zac Brown Band, Carbon Leaf, Five For Fighting