"People are always gonna talk & to tell you the truth I love it. I love the attention. I do what I do cause it puts a smile on my face. & I'm the only person in this world that matters."
-Jenna JamesonOstentatious
:rich and showy; flashy, affected, brazen, flamboyant, grandiose
:marked by a vulgar display of wealth and success designed to attract and sustain attention
Instant Messanger: marcellagiabella
my name is marcella & i love my life soooooo much.....i was born on january the sixth at 6:06 p.m. (sooo not kidding), so right out the gate i was up to no good......i always took everything 4 granted...i was a very spoiled, rotten little girl & i am still spoiled but now i've learned to appreciate what i have.....i have a lot of confidence after all the crap i've been through in life-so don't try to bullshit me or play me for stupid....i am a lot of things, & trust me stupid isn't one of them......i hate close-minded and ignorant people...get a life of your own and stop squawking about everyone else's just cuz you can't hang with the rest of us superstars ;) my life is MINE now and is always gonna be and some people seem to have a problem with that...well too fucking bad!! i could NOT give a shit less what anyone thinks of me and i do what I WANNA DO, not what SOMEONE ELSE wants me to do...you do what YOU wanna do with your life and leave me the fuck alone psycopaths...i will NOT stand for people trying to control me, men especially...i am so excited for my future and all of its possibilities...im spoiled and i like things MY way.....i ♥ to dance, sometimes i think Jesus will have to come down off the cross with a golden cane to drag me off the fcukkin speaker.....i have danced at Underbar Nightclub in Boston & also at Mantra, Suite, Felt, Umbria, Pure, 33 Lounge, Shine, and District, to name a few......DON'T GET MAD IF I DON'T REPLY OR COMMENT YOUR PICTURES...i am an extremely busy girl so just get over it or get the hell off my page please - and NO I am not looking to date ANYONE....not even YOU.......so stop sending me creepy, desparate messages plz.....i can be a brat and a very difficult girl sometimes, but i make up for it in plenty of other ways, believe me ;)...i guess i just dont like having to answer to anything or be responsible for anyone's feelings....is that selfish of me?? maybe... but at least im honest....i hate fakes and phonies.....why does it seem like no one can ever think for themselves or have their own style and are soooo concerned about what others think of them...too many people in this world cannot think outside the box...i dont know everything and i dont profess to either....maybe i put up too many walls with people but i dont know any other way to be and i definitely have trust issues with all people i meet and i will do WHATEVER it is that i have to do to protect myself as i have learned the hard way too many times with people in my life who i thought were my friends....really you only have yourself to trust and to count on in this world and that is the truest thing ever, regardless of what anyone says....i consider myself so lucky because i have my famiglia to be there for me through thick and thin and a very select few who i can say are truly my friends and who really know me, love me, and will always be there for me....if i dont want to let you get to know me or get close to me, than that is my business and i have my own reasons....im not a mean girl and im not so careless with people's feelings i just have to look out for myself because i never really did so enough before....I AM NICE TO EVERYONE UNTIL THEY FUCK WITH ME-THEN I WILL BE SO CUTTING AND SO RUTHLESS AND I WILL DO IT WITHOUT WARNING YOU WANNA KNOW HOW RUTHLESS?? FUCK WITH ME & FIND OUT....that being said i love to meet new people but im not using this site to meet people to date so chose your words very carefully with me...i definitely live in the fast lane and i wont shy away from any action, risk, or competition♥i am passionate about everything i do but also easily bored - i detest structures and routines and i tend to rebel against too many rules... and i totally resent people's attempts to control me and hold me down...i believe nothing exceeds like excess......nobody beats my family, and let me just tell you it makes a huge difference in life as a young girl to grow up with two intelligent, beautiful older sisters who always got your back...they have saved me from going down some pretty stupid paths in life - rach and jenn you guys are the best don't know what i would do without you......oh and my mom is the most beautiful, sweet, heart of gold saint-on-earth woman alive and my father is the smartest, sharpest, handsomeist guy ever and would do anything for his family....so yeah im a very very lucky girl.....it took me a long time to realize that my fam are the ONLY ones i can count on in life and im soooo lucky cause a lot of people cant even say that much....don't ever let anyone get you down or make you feel less than yourself, nobody is worth that kinda heartache, and who the fuck are they anyways to you?? nobody.....like the saying goes, "Small people will try to make you feel small......really great people want to make you feel that you, too, can become great"......i made the mistake once of letting someone snuff out my self-esteem.....i pity him now....if something doesnt feel right, thats probably because it isnt......so always go with your gut and listen to your mom, she knows you best (at least mine does anyways)♥
♥mom and dad♥
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people wont feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment and excitement to pursuit and lures us to look through the haze and find what that burning fire is in all of our souls. Every one of us is aware that this inferno rages within. It is an inner being that knows no rules and has no boundaries. It forces us to look at the grotesque and experiment with the bizarre. Few set foot in this raging pyre of intrigue, but those that do find that while the price of admittance is costly, the reward is an inner freedom and peace that few will ever understand or experience."