Writing. Traveling, tree-whispering, Peru, taking snaps, Schwinn bicycles, roller skates with jingly pom-poms, droppin' f-bombs in inappropriate places, the discussion of global economics and politics. Jackassery. Nature, Reading, cooking macrobiotic stuff you've never heard of, discovering new music/cultures/ideas/vernaculars. Junk yards. Metaphysics, meditation, awareness. Alternative modes of transpo, sacred plant medicine. Self-sufficiency, sustainable living. Galavanting, cavorting. Wa-hooing!, Wigs & costumes, props and people. Fire, fightin' and whiskey. Stargazing, camping and dreaming. Interconnectedness. Being happy. And throwing things...but not at people..usually.
Lyle Lovett, the people in my dreams, the Wizard of Oz...and of course....Always seeking fellow rapscallions, gypsies and storytellers. Booty-shakers and music makers are high on the list too as are shamans and heyokas. Those who smile repeatedly are always welcome. Anybody who likes goofiness and good conversation. Those willing to get into mostly mindless/mindful trouble. Tinkerers who can build things. Folks who are passionate about some-thing and not set in their ways of dealing with the world. People who don't dream like pussies.
Local bands, live shows, musical stories, folk, some hip-hop, some alt-country and rock n' roll, baby! Lyle Lovett, Prince - the Sexy MF, Manu Chao, Beck, Ella, Mechelle N'degeocello, Postal Service, Calexico, Neko Case, Be Your Own Pet, Chris Isaak,The Specials, Atmosphere, Yo La Tengo, Peter Gabriel, John Denver, Portishead, Mike Ness, Latin Acid Jazz, Elvis Costello, Dan Bern, Texlahoma, Tilly And the Wall, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Combustible Edison, Johnny Fucking Cash!!!, the mandolin, the harmonica, the tambourine.
Just about anything involving an outdoor screen, a Wilson or Cohen brother, or slapstick humor. Retro screenings, docs, stuff my friends make.
I'm too busy livin' life. I do not own a television....I will on occasion invite myself over to your house to watch yours.
My stories. Self-published stuff, short stories, specific works of Tom Robbins, Kurt Vonnegut and John Irving. I can discuss classic lit all day long. Mutant Message Down Under, The Alchemist and Marilu Henner's Total Health Make-over (that last one is dorky, I know...) all changed my life. The Mistress Manual, Three Black Skirts, Shaving the Inside of Your Skull, The Diamond in The Window (!), The Owner's Manual to the Brain. Any old Perrine laying around.
People who build cool shit. Spirited elderly folks. The keepers of the flame. Me.