im JOLENE. im cool, i swear i am. im not better than you, but i have certain aspects about myself that you will never be able to compete with, you can try thouqh, competitions cool. um yeah, buffalo winqs = love && fiji water keeps me qoinq from completely qonzo. urban outfitters is pretty much my heroin. i joined the Marine Corps, i leave auqust 13th for boot camp. my poppy && daddy were both Marines && i want to follow in their footsteps, then ill develop my own path from that. theres not a more enhanced time when i PT, i just feel more alive && theres just one life for each of us, && its our own. God has given you one face, && you make yourself another. im not that crazy about all these posers && w.e. theyre called cause in all actuality, what is reality? youre just a plastic doll, you pose, with eyes that cut open without landfall or even niqhtfall upon some shellacked && qrinning person, eyes that open, blue, steel && close, youre not approximately just an “iâ€. the only qood thinq about reality is that its the only place to qet a decent meal. ive come to realize that not only is the universe stranqer than we imaqine, it is stranqer than we can imaqine. i love the thinqs i do most of the time, but its always hard work. people always see me when im out with peoples, or with my bf or w.e. but they don’t kno my doubts, nor the hard work that i put into my existence. && speakinq about my bf, hes a positive motivatinq force within my life, && if you should ever wonder why, just let me kno. there are so many thinqs that are out of our control, we’re always tryinq to qive it our best shot, but at times, we dont succeed, deal with it. the only people who benefit from lawsuits are lawyers, the beatles, the small faces && the kinks were qreat bands, but hey that was the 60s, this is the, uh, 07's? NOT the freakinq 80s! the more i talk about thinqs, the more i come to understand myself. i basically have a lotta thouqhts about everythinq && to me, its ALWAYS the little thinqs that matter most, so remember that. && hey, if you cant be the poet, be the poem x3
"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naïve. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself."~Ralph Ellison, Battle Royal
my best friend sarai miriam, she is the stronqest person in my life && i owe it all to her. this was desiqned by me, tatted on her back.