- I like to eat cheese
- "I wipe my own ass"
- I love milk (...but certain brands give me the runs)
- I take multivitamins (they smell like dog food)
- I go to a shit load of concerts...
- I like to lift weights
- I'll do anything for fun
- NEVER tell me "you won't" (because I will)
- I don't skate anymore
- My cd's go everywhere I do
- If you fall, I'll laugh at you
- I used to have a cool car (someone stole it)
- I'm too lazy to shave all the time
- I have A.D.D. when it comes to math
- I wash my clothes only when I run out of stuff to wear
- I love Ramen noodles ...and grilled cheese
- I'll tell you what I think (even if you don't wanna know)
- I run with scissors
- My ear wax is goey
- I'm a perv (but in a good way)
- I'm sarcastic
- Stupid people annoy me
- I think zippers, velcro, bubble wrap, and double sided tape are so cool.
- I love ice cream
- I laugh when I see hubcaps with spinners
- When I drink I wont stop til Im shit faced
- I'll kick your ass at chess
- I love listening to music very loud!
- I can be obnoxious at times.
- I didnt vote for George Bush
- I dont care what people think about me
- I eat WAY too much at a Chinese food buffet!
- I masturbate everyday. (I'm a little raw)
- My farts smell of brocolli
- I like to go to the mall and watch people (It's like being at the zoo! ...'cept I don't get in trouble for humping the animals)
- My nipples get raw easily
- I forget which dryer my clothes are in at the laundromat
- I poop right after I eat...
- I like to eat cereal and watch cartoons
- I like to photoshop stuff...
- I post random comments on people's pages
- When I play Halo it makes me want to puke, then I get a headache.
- I like to fart in public
- I'm so gangsta, I'll kick you in the ovaries/nuts and run away
- I like to pretend I'm still a college student