I am a geek through and through. I love video games and movies.http://groups.myspace.com/geeksofrichmond
people. living or dead, it doesn't mater, perferabley people without a pulse need not apply. although it would be cool to meet a zombie....
80's heavy metal, industrial, goth rock, heavy metal, early Punk fav bands include Billy Idol, Ozzy Osbourn, Rob Zombie, Black Sabbith, Nine Inch Nails, Mary Prankster, Orgy, I'll listen to anything atleast once, and i like everything except country and rap.
Lots of movies. Batman Begins, Sin City, Fight Club, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, Horror Movies, American History X, Tim Burton Flicks, The Silence of the Lambs, Tarantino Movies, Ronin,
Battlestar Galactica bitch! that and Mythbusters
Right now, i've been reading a lot of Neil Gaimen. The Hannable Lector Triligy, Harry Potter, Fight Club, Invisable Monsters, American God