Keiligh profile picture


Yes, Kombucha really is bitchin

About Me

This is me at work in my art studio. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* HI!! My full name is: Kelly Lynn Borja Smith. I am half Ecuadorian from my Mom's side who came here in '69 and half Scottish-American from my Dad's side. I am also known as "Copper Keiligh" for my metal work and because I have copperish hair. I have been a sculptor since I was 16. I love to make functional things. My parents are also fine artists. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!! I have two older brothers who will kick your ass if you are bad to me:) And love you if I love you! I love the camera. I feel very comfortable in front of people. I can pretty much talk to anyone. I am not shy, but I do need to reflect and retreat once in a while. I love to be in love. It is the best feeling in the whole universe. I love taking photos (as you can see from my multitude of photo albums). I am really into astrology and can often be found in a bookstore cafe analyzing charts. I have been studying astrology since I was about 13. I love the outdoors and camping but I hate hiking:) I love the smell of campfires and outdoor cooking. I am a pescatarian. That means that the only meat I eat is fish. Although I will eat wild sourced meats like some wild game. I don't like the way that we farm animals then kill them for food when there is so much more to eat that didn't have to suffer a miserable life. I believe in honoring the way we get our food. I think we don't think enough about how we get our food. Think of it as akin to the way Native American's used to get their food. I love to drive. I wish I could own a Porsche and a Ferrari. My kinda man is one who is a little bit James Bond, a little Indiana Jones and a little bit Chris Martin. I love Scandinavian types of men...mmmm...strong jaw, strong hands, broad shoulders, blue eyes, a little on the quiet side, kind and thoughtful. Loud crude men turn me off. I like drum circles!! I meditate and am very much into metaphysics. I am a strong woman who is happy and carefree. I LOVE to go for drives with great music playing. I download a LOT of podcasts. One day I'd like to make my own podcast show. I can experience heightened joy in "ordinary" experiences: watching happy children laugh and play, observing communities join together, sitting on the back of a quad, beautiful sunsets, a well-made shaken iced tea from Starbucks, feeling the air through my hair, good hair days (!!!), sharing love with another. I have been in 3 independent films for the 48 Hour Film Festival and the Almost Famous Film Fest. We all took part in the writing as well. I love the feeling of a pen flowing onto paper and my fingers tapping at a keyboard. I have kept journals since I was 8 years old. I now have over 23. I love to write!! I have been working on 3 novels that are all historical from the 1700's in different place in the world. I used to think that I'd be a professional ice skater when I was about 8:) I go through many phases in my life where I get very involved in new things. People who don't really know me think that I "need to put down some roots" but I have had such a full life traveling and truly living when most people settle for the 9-5 job and "roots" just because they think they have to. That being said, I am now feeling the desire to ground myself in a place, career and relationship all the while keeping the "fully living" lifestyle, I eventually want to get married to my soul-mate and make babies....and practice a lot for making babies;). I am fascinated by technology. I love jets. I want to get my pilot's license. I am a deep soul but I'm also a goofball and kinda nerdy. I take good care of my friends. I smile a LOT. I give people the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong. I use my intuition and gut. I am always in search of the perfect place to live. I have it narrowed down: San Diego (number one on my list), Orange County (I actually do not mind what others find horrid about it), San Francisco bay area (I love Marin) or Tahoe. YES!! All in California! I have been in love enough times to know that it really does come from within. The one thing that people say to me the most at art shows: "YOU"RE a WELDER??!!" I have acted in about 7 plays/musicals. I enjoy making music and I have been known to sing when I am in the shower and when I am welding. My dream career would include: communicating to people, creating/recreating/making, bringing people together, performing, leading, conveying a message, freedom, cool people to work with, and a lot of happiness and laughter. My Jungian type is ENFP. That means I am Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving. I love to cook and I love to cook for others. I love creating dinner parties for my friends in the front yard. I'll create little places to hide away to in the yard and put candles all over. I am love to research but I really can't stand the classroom. I have been to 11 countries and I love to travel. I have wanted to live in Edinburgh and Cairo. I speak a little Spanish but I understand a lot more than I can pronounce/speak. I am so ADDICTED to Turbo Jam!!! I have many, many interests. I am searching...waiting...expecting my soulmate. I am ready, I can feel it in my bones! ..


My Interests

Getting groups of people together for different positive reasons. Movies, art, music and making music, world travel and cultures, ancient history, metaphysics, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, architecture, design, science, astral travel, spontanious moments, kissing, eating and laughing my butt off with friends. ONENESS AND ENLIGHTENMENT.

I'd like to meet:

The inner GODness of every human being. Great Spirit. Enlightened true teacher. The father of my future children who is also my true mate in life and on this voyage of healing others. He puts God first (Great Spirit, Buddha, Oneness...) before everything as I do and together we are more than alone.


Music is the voice of the unknown and infinite...Music is LOVE!....some of my favs: Coldplay!!! Foo Fighters, Goldfrapp, Bjork, Counting Crows, traditional/folk/world contemporary, KT Tunstall, Patty Griffin, Yael Nain, DJ Tiesto, world vibes, electronica, sooo into making my own music right now...guitary...pianoey...souley Ari Ninka Cama (English)


Too many....I love movies that really hold a strong positive message or moves one to go beyond themselves. Things that make me cry...out of happiness. And...Amadaeus, Willow (Wiiiilllllooooooooooo!!!), Matrix, Amelie!!!, Indiana Jones (now that is my kind of man:)


I am a documentary fanatic. Thank Goddess for DVR!!! ANYTHING LIFE-GIVING AND ELIGHTNING!


I eat books for breakfast. lunch and dinner...Usually 3-4 at a time. What I am reading now: The One. I am writing two novels right now and a slew of other stuff too. My favorite book, The Lost Teachings of Atlantis and the Law of One.


Great Spirit. God. All those who have gone beyond limitations. Jesus, Buddha, Dali Lama, warriors for truth, beauty, humanity and God. All those who have made me who I am today. Those who are in ONENESS and those seeking the Ultimate Unity. Those who seek to live in community: Commune-Unity. Those know that it takes a village to raise a child. MY FAMILY!!!

My Blog

Teachings of Oneness

I am sitting here at the kitchen table drinking hot green tea. Perfectly "normal" by any standards for sure. Yet inside of me is a world of infinite calm expansion that is difficult to explain in word...
Posted by Keiligh on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 03:18:00 PST

How will you react to 12-21-2012?

I started to study the event astrology chart of December 21st, 2012 at 11:11am. I used the place where I predict I will be that day (which happens to be the place where I was born, Scottsdale) and did...
Posted by Keiligh on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:12:00 PST

These past few days

There is so much that I have wanted to write these past few days. I feel a torrent of feeling within me. And i have been given power by creator to write in words and communicate the truth as I have se...
Posted by Keiligh on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:08:00 PST

On Ceremony And Tradition

I see something really sad going on....I see people taking traditions and ceremonies that have been safeguarded and kept with peace and sacredness by their peoples ripped away for profit. Yes, this is...
Posted by Keiligh on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

What It Means For Me To Be Ecuadorian

This one is a little trickier. Many Ecuadorians who can pass for "white’ mostly try as hard as they can to conceal any indigenous, American Indian identity. Even if it was hundreds of years ago....
Posted by Keiligh on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:00:00 PST

What It Means For Me To Be Scottish

I am half Scottish. But what does that mean? It means in my ancestral past are a people who were fighters of their homeland. And for a culture that was threatened by the English, the Romans, The Saxon...
Posted by Keiligh on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:36:00 PST


This video so eloquently describes the Oneness Experience. ...
Posted by Keiligh on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST


A beautiful film about Ecuador. Enjoy. ...
Posted by Keiligh on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:04:00 PST

A Catalyst For Sacredness

I have a question for you all...What do you do to connect to the rhythms of the Earth? Do yo go out in nature? Do you have ceremony or in other words, feel a deep connection somehow to this living pla...
Posted by Keiligh on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:00:00 PST

Scenes of Scotland

| View | Upload your owni am wanting to go back to Scotland! I miss the green scenes and the ancient gray walls of the city scapes. I miss the ceilidh's in the highlands where I get flung a...
Posted by Keiligh on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST