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Tre Whitey

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I don't take myself too seriously. I enjoy variety, new things, tolerance, the tough road will teach you the most, movies, intelligence, crepes, intuition, energy, mentally challenging games, motives, reality, traveling and seeing the world, talent, languages, frisbees, Thai food, conversation, art, substance, music, smiling with my teeth showing, my bunny, staring into space, fun clothing, tattoos, innocence, Q-tips, animals, honesty, technology, pho, self control, books, fascination, drive, coffee, selflessness, the future, rain, responsibility, facts, supporting small business, walking, speaking Italian, balance, independence, waffles at the Coffee Co., stars, family and friends are one in the same, pizza, making things, the color purple, silence, the undo function, health, texture, that which is random, kobi ramen, consciousness, leaves in fall, admiration, simplicity, listening...

My Interests

Design, Music, Traveling, Art, Drawing, Clubbin', Roller Skatin', Eating, Reeking havock on a small town of white folk...

I'd like to meet:

Artists, Designers, Computer Geeks, Music Freaks, People that make me laugh. Most of all positive people that don't suck.
Oh- and I'm always looking out for new music (so sick of the stuff I've heard 1000 times)...if you have any suggestions let me know.
Unfortunately, I've got to say it...No Losers or loseresses. And if your like, 18, don't fucking pick up on me. Or, if you have 800 porn girls as your friends I will take great pity on you, but won't add you.


Cocteau Twins, Imperial, This Mortal Coil, Massive Attack, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, Mono (Tokyo), Múm, Four Tet, M83, Telegraph Melts, Ulrich Schnauss, Kid Koala, Amon Tobin, God Speed, Set Fire To Flames, Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai, Rothco, Sigur Rós, The Album Leaf, Dorine Muraille, Radiohead, Budd, Eno, Pinback, Sparkle Horse, My Bloody Valentine, The Cranes, The Sundays, Ride, Slowdive, Pale Saints, Catherine Wheel, Swervedriver, Ivy, Red House Painters, Broken Social Scene, The Postal Service, Björk, Trespassers William, Devics, Bethany Curve, The Meeting Places, Coastal, The Autumns, Babyland, Rudimentary Peni, Joy Division, LPD, TG, DVOA, Skinny Puppy, Front Line, Front 242, Ministry...and much more...


Better Off Dead, Say Anything, Amalie, Eternal Sunshine, Momento, American Psycho, Star Wars, The Professional, Napoleon Dynamite, Super Size Me, Office Space, Ghost in the Shell, The Iron Giant, FLCL, Spirited Away...Kiki's Delivery Service...Miyazaki films, Il Postino, Billy Elliot, Camille Claudell, 28 Days Later, Evil Dead, The Twilight Zone episodes, more Horror and Sci Fi....


While I used to feel it rotting away at my brain and waisting my time, I have accepted tv back into my life, filling those rare moments I have time to kill: Cartoons, Sci Fi, Horror, Animals, Food, Travel, History etc...but mostly... Samurai Champloo Samurai Jack Super Milk Chan Dexter Grim ...CARNIVALE...dvd


The Plague, A Happy Death, Excile and the Kingdom, The Stranger, Fahrenheight 451, The Illustrated Man, The Martian Chronicals, On the Road, Poe, Art Books, GD Books, Travel Books, etc.


Those people who know WHO they are and LIKE it. Those who don't perpetrate it, don't flaunt it and don't ever stop seeking it out. These people I truly admire. Soft spoken people who speak loud through their actions and the way they live their lives. Kind people. Generous people. People that make you feel like you are in the presence of greatness, this is a heroic person to me.

My Blog


Posted by Tre Whitey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

...throwing bottles...

Posted by Tre Whitey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

poppin the cherry...

those who know know what it is :)