Upon moving to Richmond, we set out on a modest, and somewhat lackadaisical search for new members. We practiced with several drummers; but none appeared to have both the technical prowess we desired, and the personality that was imperative to making the group a cohesive unit again. On the guitar front, we were more than happy with our newly found friend Joel Hager, who proved to be a very worthy shredder. Trying to get the ball rolling again from a virtual standstill has proven to be too much for us to do. Life is moving all around us, and work and everything else that goes into being in your mid-20’s will no longer wait for us to come home. We do not have the time or energy necessary to devote to the band anymore, and we feel that it would be an injustice to soldier on half-heartedly. It’s safe to say that any touring incarnation of A.D. has been laid to rest. This is the most painful part to say, for most of us never wanted anything more than to play to as many different people in as many different cities as possible. It’s amazing how easy it is to achieve your goals and live your dreams by buying a van for $600.
We have all moved on in other musical endeavors, some in completely opposite directions from one another. Brian S. is drumming for The Knife Trade now, Brian B. is playing guitar for Baroness , Will is playing bass for Valkyrie , Joel is playing bass for Monarch , and I am doing instrumental stuff on my computer in my spare time (Inherent Latency) . Chuck is in the process of tweaking the last 2 songs that we wrote as a whole, as well as arranging a lengthy opus with riffs in his head. He hopes to record this in the near future, with the aid of friends from groups in the area. We still have plenty of merchandise here in our closet, and are offering all of it at less than cost. PLEASE tell anyone that might be interested in any of our leftovers to contact us , we will most likely take anything offered.
So there it is. I can be nothing but happy and proud that our efforts came to the level of fruition that they did, and miss jamming with everyone that was ever involved in this band. I’m sure that when everyone else thinks back to our ups and downs, they will agree that it was in fact all worth it. We would collectively like to thank everyone that ever let us practice at their residences, booked a show for us, fed us, bought something from us, bought something for us, took pictures of us, watched us, talked with us, and most importantly, listened to our music and what we had to say. Cheers to you, friends, and thanks for making such a mark in our lives.
Our full-length CD is available for purchase here. There were 1000 copies pressed, through Pop Faction Records. The entire CD contains 8 tracks in all, and clocks in with roughly 44 minutes of carnage. The CD is now going for $4 (US).