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You Only Live Twice

About Me

I'm about the most easy-going guy you'll ever meet. I love to see the beauty in things, people, and the world around me. I try and make it a point to leave an impression of who and what I am wherever I go and whatever I do. I'm a huge fan of the arts, design, music, or any endevour that demands creativity and excellence in execution, whether it be my job where I work as a visual artist, or the on-going and probably never ending upgrading of my hillside home in sunny Studio City, California where the latest addition under construction is an elaborate pool carved into the hillside with a large deck overlooking it. My sense of style in this regard lays somewhere between rustic, earth-toned Southwest with a healthy dose of Asian influences. I've also recently taken on preparing fine meals not only for myself, but for friends whom I like to have over and entertain as often as possible. I like downtempo, chill-out music for the most part though I can listen to enjoy nearly everything with the notable exceptions of gangster rap and thrasher metal which just grinds on just about all my sensibilities.
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor
This is a commercial I did for Motorola's new Pebble phone. I did all the underwater stuff at the end and one of the shots of the aftermath of a meteor hitting the earth millions of years ago. Fun job, got nominated for an award on it, though I didn't win. Directed by David Fincher.
This is my long awaited pool! Finally, it's done. Once the temp hit 100 degrees I was in it, cool adult beverage in hand, on a raft, floating under the watefalls....Here's another shot of it.
All in all, worth all the hassle.

My Interests

I have to admit that I'm a technology nut, in addition to all my creative interests. For example, once I carefully placed all the lights on the hillside in my backyard for maximum dramatic effect, I of course had to link each one to a central computer controlled application that allowed me to fine tune the brightness of each one. Geeky? Yeah. Worth it for the end result? Hell Yeah! Another interest of mine would be collecting fine wines, reading, listening to music, cooking.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone easy-going and open minded. Creative people who know who they are and what they want out of life, have obtained a certain degree of success in whatever it is that makes them happy as it's these kinds of people that make the most interesting company.


I like and will listen to just about anything, sans gangster rap and thrasher metal which just makes me feel pissed off. Lately I've been in a Downtempo goove; it seems to reflect where I am in my life at this point in time and makes me feel inspired to create.


Considering I work "in the biz" you'd think I'd go to the movies more often, but I haven't and don't. It's not that I don't enjoy the movies, they're great, it's just that it really takes a lot to get me out to see one, so it really needs to be something I want to see, otherwise I'll just wait for the DVD and watch it at home since I've got an awesome home theater setup. What would get me out of the house? As of this writing, Kong is due to be released in about a week or so. That'll get me out.


OK, I'm a sucker for LOST. I really wanted to hate that show when it came out, I really did. I wanted all those people to die horrible, rotten deaths or get eaten by the polar bear, but after about 4 episodes I got hooked into all the backstories and the chemistry between all the characters (excellent casting) and now I'm hooked. House is another good show, and the one Reality based show I'll watch is Trump. Other then that I don't watch a lot of TV other then the occassional History Channel special or Iron Chef on Food tv. (there's something cool about watching someone grab a live trout from a tank and wip it into a gourmet meal)


Mostly I've been reading books on economics. Rather dry compared to everything else, but they're valuble insights into human behavior and explain why people do the things they do. Properly armed with this knowledge, it's fairly easy to predict economic trends in the world and thus make informed investment decisions. Come on, life can't be all a party, now can it, and besides, if the investment decisions I make pay off they provides resources for me to continue my more expensive and elaborate creative pursuits.


At the risk of sounding corney, I have to say that my father ranks pretty high up there. All my life, whenever I was faced with a moral or ethical issue and didn't know the clear-cut answer, I'd just ask myself, "what would dad do?"

My Blog

Paco is gone. Long live Paco.

This is one of the saddest times in memory for me.  I had to put to sleep my best friend this weekend, Friday night, May 3rd, just after midnight.  The time was 12:45 when he went down from ...
Posted by T2 on Mon, 05 May 2008 05:10:00 PST

Suicide Girls

Sometime during the early summer of last year, I got an email from a guy I used to work with.  It was a simple mail, it just said "Greg, meet Jen.  Jen, meet Greg".  I almost deleted it...
Posted by T2 on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:15:00 PST

That 70s Show

So I'm sitting here at home, reading The Drudge Report, staring at a big headline that says DOW DOWN 300.  Not that that's anything new, the Dow seems to be running the gamut of those types of nu...
Posted by T2 on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:23:00 PST

Well hell, what a yeat it’s been so far...

Been a while since I posted something here.  Seems everytime I log into this site I've about 5 or more "friend invites" from various 23 year old girls who want me to check out their naughty pics ...
Posted by T2 on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:48:00 PST

Pool is Done!

Well, almost, still have to have the hardscapes done around it, decks, walkways, and planting etc.  But other then that, it's pretty much done.  It's been a very long, drawn out and educatio...
Posted by T2 on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:52:00 PST

Gunite All!

Yes that's right, after just over a YEAR since this project was started, I've past all inspections, received all permits, so tomorrow is the day they shoot the gunite and the hole I've had in my yard ...
Posted by T2 on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 03:25:00 PST

Superbowl Commercial

Well, I had a commercial in the Superbowl this year for the new phone from Motorola called the Pebble.  I've added the spot to my page, check it out if you're so inclined.  I'm responsible, ...
Posted by T2 on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:09:00 PST


I've decided, after watching way too much Foodtv, that should this visual effects thing not work out that I want to be a chef.  The main problem with this new hobby however's all the food I've ma...
Posted by T2 on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 07:51:00 PST

Construction Commences! Er, Resumes...

After a couple of false starts, progress is finally starting on the pool!  My contractor called me last night to inform that he'd be at my house at 6:30am to start digging out the footings for th...
Posted by T2 on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:24:00 PST

The Ides of December....

It finally happened!  Today was the day I got the long awaited swimming pool permit!!!  I've only been waiting for this for oh, NINE MONTHS.  For the past nine months, I've had a $12K...
Posted by T2 on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 01:57:00 PST