I have to admit that I'm a technology nut, in addition to all my creative interests. For example, once I carefully placed all the lights on the hillside in my backyard for maximum dramatic effect, I of course had to link each one to a central computer controlled application that allowed me to fine tune the brightness of each one. Geeky? Yeah. Worth it for the end result? Hell Yeah! Another interest of mine would be collecting fine wines, reading, listening to music, cooking.
Anyone easy-going and open minded. Creative people who know who they are and what they want out of life, have obtained a certain degree of success in whatever it is that makes them happy as it's these kinds of people that make the most interesting company.
I like and will listen to just about anything, sans gangster rap and thrasher metal which just makes me feel pissed off. Lately I've been in a Downtempo goove; it seems to reflect where I am in my life at this point in time and makes me feel inspired to create.
Considering I work "in the biz" you'd think I'd go to the movies more often, but I haven't and don't. It's not that I don't enjoy the movies, they're great, it's just that it really takes a lot to get me out to see one, so it really needs to be something I want to see, otherwise I'll just wait for the DVD and watch it at home since I've got an awesome home theater setup. What would get me out of the house? As of this writing, Kong is due to be released in about a week or so. That'll get me out.
OK, I'm a sucker for LOST. I really wanted to hate that show when it came out, I really did. I wanted all those people to die horrible, rotten deaths or get eaten by the polar bear, but after about 4 episodes I got hooked into all the backstories and the chemistry between all the characters (excellent casting) and now I'm hooked. House is another good show, and the one Reality based show I'll watch is Trump. Other then that I don't watch a lot of TV other then the occassional History Channel special or Iron Chef on Food tv. (there's something cool about watching someone grab a live trout from a tank and wip it into a gourmet meal)
Mostly I've been reading books on economics. Rather dry compared to everything else, but they're valuble insights into human behavior and explain why people do the things they do. Properly armed with this knowledge, it's fairly easy to predict economic trends in the world and thus make informed investment decisions. Come on, life can't be all a party, now can it, and besides, if the investment decisions I make pay off they provides resources for me to continue my more expensive and elaborate creative pursuits.
At the risk of sounding corney, I have to say that my father ranks pretty high up there. All my life, whenever I was faced with a moral or ethical issue and didn't know the clear-cut answer, I'd just ask myself, "what would dad do?"