c e l i a&sup2 profile picture

c e l i a&sup2

aaah, wedding season...

About Me

CHECK OUT MY FRIEND, RICHARD'S VIDEO!!! His band is called THE MARCHES and if you like what you hear, go get yourself some more at www.myspace.com/themarches.
I believe in the right to not make your bed... I have lengthy conversations with my stuffed animals, particularly Stimpy, my beautiful wooly Bantha, and my Gorn beanie baby with his cute 70's vest... I'm finally learning how to say what I want instead of just trying to please everyone, and oddly enough, everyone ends up happier that way... Garlic stuffed green olives and beer are rad. As are Bottle Caps, Lemonheads, and Abbazabba's... I like things in miniature, like those mini sample tents in the camping section at Target. I want to put one of those up on my front lawn in hopes that a squirrel moves in... Our planet has traveled around the sun 34 times since I plopped out onto it, which I'm told by some is hard to believe. For that I have my mom to thank. She's 64 and still loves kicking off her flip flops to climb the trees in the garden and pick her exotic fruit for everyone...My papa likes to say he's just the wheelbarrow pusher of the garden, but he does a lot, too... My parents are the best couple I've ever known... My mom also wears a pareo like nobody's business... "Fashion" is a touchy subject for my boyfriend and me, but not in the way you might think... I promise to never stop listening to criticism and growing and bettering myself... It's been over ten years since my Grandpa died and I think about him every day... I like to twirl around while blasting old video game music like Mario Bros and Street Fighter II... My brother's new 65 inch high-def plasma flat screen is not unlike heaven on earth... I think I would be a completely different person if it weren't for my big brother... I have serious emotional difficulty getting through that ending scene of King Kong (I know I KNOW how it’s gonna end)... My beautiful dog, Oscar, is an old soul. Although he's in a young body that's falling apart, with one eye gone, four teeth pulled, and a blown out knee. My mom always said that our animals catch all the misfortune for us so that we don't have to (we also have a Lab in a wheel chair and a handicapped potbelly pig with deformed hooves)... I believe I've lived a charmed life and I will do everything in my power to give my children the same... Genuine communication, even in the form of an argument, feels wonderful... My parents were never preachy, but instead taught us through their own unwavering example... My boyfriend makes me feel like I'm one in a million... Sometimes I get so happy I can’t breathe... I've been called naïve my entire life by all the cynics and pessimists who I'm finally realizing might just never get me. It's cool. I’m not sure I’ll ever get them...
TODAY'S INSPIRATIONS: Rob Bottin created those amazing creature effects for John Carpenter’s The Thing when he was only 22 years old! And that Warren Buffet guy who donated $37 BILLION to Bill Gates’ world health/poverty solving foundation...
TODAY'S ASPIRATIONS: Write more, create more, cook more (ha!), LEARN more, GIVE more, communicate better, listen better, empathize better, drop ALL my fears and LOVE deeper, richer, fuller than I have ever in my entire life!!!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
The Chosen One - Trailer

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For more info, visit their official website at: www.thechosenonemovie.com or their myspace page at: http://www.myspace.com/chosenonemovie

My Interests

Mi familia circa 1977
(and my mom's boldest fashion statement ever... the rice picking hat)

GUANAJUATO, MEXICO (where I lived for 14 months, and my doggie's home town!)

Oscar and I in Guanajuato (before the time of collars and licenses, and before he lost his left eye, for you observant ones)

I'd like to meet:

Those who embrace their weirdness (and long lost friends)



John Williams, Queen, Ennio Morricone, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Annie Lennox, Vangelis, The Scorpions, Erasure, Motzart, Duran Duran, Silvio Rodriguez, Depeche Mode, Michael Nyman


City of Lost Children, Bladerunner, Goonies, La Jette, The Dark Crystal, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Amores Perros, E.T., Wizard of Oz, La Femme Nikita, Star Wars (PRIOR to Lucas going off the deep end), The Little Mermaid, Dodes Kaden, Babe, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, Contact, True Romance, Laputa: Castle in the Sky


Robotech, Twin Peaks, Star Trek (classic), The Twilight Zone, Max Headroom, Record of Lodoss Wars, Lost, Carnival, new Battlestar Galactica


The Tao of Pooh, Chronicles of Narnia, Einstein's Dreams, The Holographic Universe, magical realism


Walt Disney, Hayao Miyazake, and my Grandpa

My Blog

"The Abandoned" - freakin scary!

Treat yourself to a genuinely scary horror flick (and support my indie filmmaker friend, Nacho! :) Nacho is from Barcelona, Spain and has personally funded three short horror films that he wrote, dire...
Posted by c e l i a² on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:59:00 PST

My Scalping

Thanks for the collage, Mike! I love how little Elias was there to christen the event... (better than breaking a bottle over my head) Check out my story at http://www.itsmyhair.com...
Posted by c e l i a² on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:27:00 PST

Dogs of Southeast Asia

Throughout my 24 day experience in Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, I took nearly 200 photographs of dogs we came across on the road, in the markets, out on store fronts, at the beach, and just hanging ou...
Posted by c e l i a² on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 11:06:00 PST

A quick hello from Laos!

I'm currently in the charming little town of Luang Prabang, Laos. Been a little over 2 weeks, but feels longer! The journey's been amazing so far, with hikes through the jungle, elephan...
Posted by c e l i a² on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 07:18:00 PST

Me at a Mormon Baby Shower

A bunch of girls I dont know are quietly talking to each other. We all go into the kitchen to start eating, whereupon I notice the punch bowl is filled with a bright blue liquid.   ME:  (po...
Posted by c e l i a² on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 02:35:00 PST

Arriving at Disneyland to a "CLOSED" sign...

&is about as disturbingly HEARTBREAKING as it gets. Now take that horror and imagine that it isnt just any ordinary day, but its Disneylands 50th birthday to the day, July 17th, 2005, a day that yo...
Posted by c e l i a² on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A Day No Pigs Would Die

Now what does this book title imply? Its about a 13-year-old impoverished farm boy who through a stroke of luck inherits a sweet, loyal pig named Pinky. They grow up together. They love each oth...
Posted by c e l i a² on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Korean BBQ, here I come!

The securing of a new home for Oscar and me has officially occurred! If I were a dog, I just lifted my leg and claimed a new territory&YAY!!! Sure, the parkings a nightmare, and the neighborhoods no...
Posted by c e l i a² on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST