NO MATTER HOW BAD IT IS... I'VE DONE WORSE!!! I really enjoy telling people to Tuck and Roll without a helmet. If you piss me off, there is a good chance you will wake up one morning with an M80 in your ass. Click and go cameras rock my world. Clytie rules, and Jerry Bruckheimer changed my life. is my website of choice. I like Disc Jockey's, PEEEE-tron, my sidekick, Turnberry, lip gloss, Poker, shoulder hickies, football, tricycles, the NHL, and the Hard Rock Slide. I usually like to have a three-some with PAT n RON about twice a week. Chances are, I am better than you at playing the air guitar and doing the levetating dance. Pauffer and Thomas are always with me. My friends and I have away message competitions, and I ALWAYS win that game I am constantly playing by myself. Cool. Smiley Face Sunglasses. Breen Frien. Oh, and by the way... Hope all is well!