"something a little more...Ruth" profile picture

"something a little more...Ruth"

It is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy, I am as mad as the sun shining, for no reason.- Lar

About Me

"If in the twilight of memory, we should meet once more. We shall speak again together, and you shall sing to me a deeper song. And if our hands should meet in another dream, we shall build another tower in the sky." - Kahlil Gibran
::Lessie Pruitt::

"the greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return."

My Interests

Writing. ::physical signs of freedom: the laughter of children, a tear, a smile, the wind blowing a breeze through the wisps of my honey hair in a whisper on the windy roads on a cool June morning in the forest, the creek and tree, someone carved: I |_ [] V E T|-|I S P|_ACE! with magnificent eyes for the trees; passionate kisses, happiness and sorrow, solitude and togetherness; kindness; kinship; unwavering friendship; yield to yearning so the dreaming and daydreaming are seen with more spectacular of a spectacle of heart; waking eyes like me, my mirror, he, causes, questions, hopes and cures; secret wishes and making wishes on dandelions. music. mystique. making love. the morning fog and the misty moon; October; driving up the 1 to San Francisco, alone. thoughts. goosebumps and soft fingertips lightly painting through my hair; shivers on the gazelle of my neck where a kiss is placed by a ladybug, this one the most extraordinary. Blowing bubbles with a magic wand, taking drives with my kids, swordplay with sticks in the wilderness, wandering the forest, writing in my fortress, sleeping in the fort. Books by candlelight, memories, Melanoma Research, Autism Awareness, horsebackriding during dusk, dancing to my own sway, true love found, no loves ever lost, come with me but go yourself and hide a love letter in a secret wooden box in the moist soil of the same nature you are from:: YOU'LL NEVER WANT TO LEAVE
A Story by Dr. Nan Kno....... & A Temponaut's Fancy.
The Bricklayer
A Story by Jonathan Skaggs
My Sorrow Spins Me Round and Around
A Story by Steven Silvey
A Story by the beautiful and brilliant Lara' Gandré

I'd like to meet:

"Grace is the thread that weaves my life together seamlessly." ~Jessica Hall Upchurch


That DayThis is the desk I sit at and this is the desk where I love you too much and this is the typewriter that sits before me with its shoulders gathered in like a Greek chorus, with its tongue like a king making up rules as he goes, with its tongue quite openly like a cat lapping milk, with its tongue- both of us coiled in its slippery life. That was yesterday, that day. "/




::I Love Lucy:: ::The Twilight Zone:: ::Alfred Hitchcock Hour:: ::Forensic Files:: ::Conspiracy Files:: ::It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia::John Belushi:: IFC::DSC::BBC::THC::TCM::


the ones I've read:: the ones I've written:: the ones I've given::
::The Giving Tree:: ::Nobody's Boy (1878, France):: ::The Iliad:: ::The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe:: ::The works of Johanne Von Goethe, Voltaire and Gabriel Garcia Marquez:: ::Kelly Hamilton:: ::Virginia Woolf:: ::Gary Snyder, Sylvia Plath, Frank O'Hara, Anne Sexton:: ::William Shakespeare:: ::F. Scott Fitzgerald:: ::Philip K. Dick:: ::Jack Kerouac:: ::Pablo Neruda:: ::J.D. Salinger:: ::Henry David Thoreau:: ::Henry Miller:: ::Hariku Murakami:: ::Robert Jordan:: ::The Fourth Way:: ::Mrs. Dalloway:: ::Cat's Cradle:: ::1776:: ::Jane Eyre:: ::The Bell Jar:: ::Anna Karenina:: ::Love in the Time of Cholera:: ::Strange Pilgrims:: ::The Hours:: ::The Great Gatsby:: ::Great Expectations:: ::Treasury of Great Short Stories:: ::the one we are making:: ...and all of the love letters every lonely soldier ever penned...


::Julian & Thatcher:: ::my pops:: ::Kelly Hamilton:: ::and me and my soul:: ::hope, grace, and wisdom::

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My Blog


  I was enraptured:                  gorgeous jazz face             ...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:15:00 PST

Quoi de plus complet que le silence?

*(the title) Honoré de Balzac asked this, a question not meant to be answered. ...but I think it's love... -not meant as a debate; I admire him so.     Journal Entry 3 Aout 2007 Ve...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:31:00 PST

The Muse

 Today I am standing  tall in a pretty dress and  high heels upon the cobblestone streets of Rome. There is a white haired man with a gray beret tilted to the side of his  hea...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 06:08:00 PST


My entanglement in incredible complexities is breaking my heart. A tomato salesman offered to paint me red. "I'm good, thanks," I said. Blood or love? No one knew. Shortly after 9:00, Sirhan Sirhan go...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:44:00 PST

Characters we are forever entwined with

                                   ...And when ...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:22:00 PST

He is beautiful (a haiku)

Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:32:00 PST


(this is a science fiction treatment)[this is a rough draft, adapted from the tablet it was written in]                   &nbs...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 08:26:00 PST

the Muses

..>..> ..> A Poem by L. L. JacobsonGenre- Spoken Word ..>..>..> Description- Mnemosyne - the Goddess of Memory- written for the three muses of nine who have mused me, including three trees.Th...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:31:00 PST


Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:57:00 PST

Pan's Labyrinth

.. .. ...
Posted by "something a little more...Ruth" on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:41:00 PST