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I am here for Friends

About Me

I lIke to Eat,Sleep,Music, anyways i am Fahmi! a friendly guy who likes to make people happy! i love to travel to countries which i have friends in. and i do talk alot so you wont get bored! love to sing but dont sound really good and a true man utd supporter!i'm currently in a band and performing do catch me live n dont feel shy to approach me i dont bite heeee...

My Interests

Talking! Eating! Rotting! SLeeping! and more Sleeping

I'd like to meet:

All KInds of peepz~


incubus, switchfoot, linkin park, goo goo dolls, one republic, sean kingston, lots lots more ask me!


nah... i watch Dvds


i usually watch animes and korean dramas.. anything goodz pop out i watch!


get rich books hahahaha..... but usually reads newspaper daily i dun read FHM MAXIM Blah blah coz its expensive omg...


i think i am a hero myself! HAH! coz i save people in time of need!

My Blog

what the fish!

ok so this is my 1st post "Fish is the only food will smell spoil when it smell like what it is"so next time thinking of eating fish ? take a deep breath time is precious dont waste it in the toilet....
Posted by fahmi on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:25:00 PST