Kai profile picture


I Nearli Fakin Piss Maself

About Me

Spanish Language Variety Shows: Watch them: I like the ones with the random dancing girls and fat man playing the guitar.
Sometimes, I Go on Gummi Bear Binges

My Interests

I hate staying in. I like to travel. I type with just 5 fingers. It's not my fault. I don't know how to read. It's a dirty secret. I also have a sixth toe. :(. I ate a coach roach when i was four years old. It was delicious. I like cats.

I'd like to meet:

A talking mouse and Keira Knightley...prefferably, both at the same time...



adopt your own virtual pet!


Tropa De Elite, Chasing Liberty, Au Pair 1 AND 2, all the stuff like that on Fox/ABC Family. Larry Clarke's 23 min segment called "Impaled" from the film Destricted. L'Auberge Espagnole. In the mood fo love was trippy, did i say Chasing Liberty?


NY1, C-Span, Ch17, Nitido and Marina on Telemundo, Soccer on Univsion


Kundera not bad, Great Gatsby, most of Orwell, french authors ... been reading (well faking it) a lot of garbage media/pop/internet-ish/business type books ... www.thesuperficial.com (yes i know it's not a book...but it should be)


Clive Owen's character in 'Children of Men' and short people

My Blog

My Flickr Pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/47354855@N00/

are here: HERE
Posted by Kai on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 06:53:00 PST

Blogs as ammunition

    Ther eis reall yno reaso for me to write anything and i'll bet if you are reading this...there is a a goo chance you are secretly searching for pics tha you can photoshop and then s...
Posted by Kai on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:28:00 PST

Leaving Boston

Leaving the land of the khaki clad. Boston was fun for a few but honestly, any more comments about my hair, or not having fucking khaki pants, or not giving two shits about the red sox or baseball.......
Posted by Kai on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:38:00 PST

At work spacinmg out again

It's 9:00 PM and i have quit my job here at Di*itas. It's a high to quit. your in control. I quit not because i don't liek it here. I quit cause im gogin back to Newy York to try and make my riches in...
Posted by Kai on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 06:12:00 PST