King of Nazareth is my salvation.For those of you who don't know me: I am a firm supporter and believer in Creationism. That is, I believe that Jesus Christ is my almighty creator, and he is my protector into the heavenly kingdom. I do not judge nor curse upon those who oppose my beliefs. Which is why I will not tolerate nor appreciate those who infringe upon my beliefs.I am a messianic jewish supporter. Whereas, I stand strongly beside the christian/jews of the biblical era.I learned that family can be more cruel than a stranger.I do believe that ignorance is the rising fall to human society. I prefer not to comform amongst a materialistic gentry,and I'm not sure who id like to meet. People are disappointing. Simple as that.I say, Sionara To Thy Useless. In Otherwords, Delete The [Un]wanted...Those Useless of small time, pardoned. Adieu to the [male]diction[eer]s of our sad generation, congested of such vulgar deceptions' manifested of systematic redundancy.
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