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SpiritCharmed ~ Designed by Chrysta & Justin

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SPIRITCharmed creates apparel to express your spirit with fashion - from the inside out. Our spirited clothing raises the vibration of those around you too. Our designs carry the intention of conscious living, fashion, comfort and inspiration. Transform your world by gracing your beautiful spirit with SPIRITCharmed apparel.

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These are our influences and inspirations:

The movie The Secret has been a good reinforcement of the Law of Attraction. It has given not only us, but millions of others a glimpse to see how these principles have worked in the lives of those featured in this movie. The creator of the movie, Rhonda Byrne, along with Rev. Michael Beckwith, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, James Ray and Lisa Nichols show us with their passion and experience how our vibrations match our desires and how this ultimately determines our destiny. We are taught that we are the creators of our lives and we determine our individual courses by our positive and negative thoughts. What a great gift!

The principles of the Law of Attraction are so wonderfully articulated by The Teachings of Abraham as relayed by Ester & Jerry Hicks in works like Ask and it is Given. The 22 processes outlined in this work have been a great help to so many along the path of moving dreams into reality.

Some of these same principles are taught in different ways, in different colors, by other great teachers. Some of these include Orin and DeBen in the book Creating Money, channeled by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, have taught us about magnetizing what we want through visualizations. We have also been grateful for the prosperity teachings of John Randolph Price in his books like The Abundance Book and also to Catherine Ponder in Open Your Mind to Prosperity.

Sonia Choquette has been an inspiration with her many books like The Psychic Pathway, Diary of a Psychic, and Trust Your Vibes. Her work sometimes follows the Law of Attraction, such as in Your Heart's Desire, but she has so much to share about living a six sensory life, where self-love and self-care is the foundation of hearing and heeding our intuition and connecting to angels and our spirit guides. Sonia's musician, Mark Stanton Welch, is a talented and gifted vibrational sound healer. His CD Trust Your Vibes showcases a collection of songs to help individuals get out of their heads and get into their bodies and dance. In addition to this Mark has a collection of CD's that range from chants to spoken mantras. His music has been an inspiration to us.

Another gifted musician is Steven Halpern. He is a sound healer and composer whose works have touched the lives of millions like Inner Peace and Chakra Suite. He has a series of meditation and relaxation CD’s that encourage you to find a place of balance and peace.

The role of angels in our lives is more fully developed by Doreen Virtue in her many books, such as Angel Therapy, Realms of the Earth Angels, Archangels & Ascended Masters, and The Lightworkers Way. Her work has been integral in teaching about the angelic realm, elemental and ascended-master realms.

So many of these authors and visionaries have found a home at the publishing house, Hay House. Louise Hay has been a pioneer in spiritual self-help with her book You Can Heal Your Life, which explores the association between physical ailments and emotional/spiritual problems or blockages. Louise continues to inspire millions with her works, her CD's and her appearances on Hay House Radio.

Another inspiring Hay House author is Dr. Wayne Dyer. His many recent works such as Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling and The Power of Intention have focused on how our thoughts and feelings create our experience. They focus on how we can choose positive thoughts and thus change our lives for the better. His lectures across the country and PBS specials have helped to bring his teachings to the mainstream public.

Dr. Deepak Chopra is another author who has touched our lives. His book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire focuses and teaches about how everyday coincidences in our lives are meaningful and provide us with glimpses of the future. Dr. Chopra has been a pioneer in the field of medicine, focusing on the mind/body connection. He has been a major influence in bringing holistic medicine to the general public’s attention through traditional medical circles. He is also the founder of the Chopra Center for Well Being in Carlsbad, California.

Dan Millman has inspired millions since the publication of his book Way of the Peaceful Warrior over 25 years ago. Dan explains the teachings that he has received over the years by his teacher, Socrates, on how to become a peaceful warrior. Recently in the summer of 2006 Way of the Peaceful Warrior was released as a motion picture. Staying true to the book this movie captures the timeless story that Dan relates through his series of books.

John Holland, author of Born Knowing and James Van Praagh, author of Talking to Heaven have inspired us by their gifts of bridging the gaps between one plane of existence to another. They are both internationally known psychic mediums whose work has touched the lives of millions. They both travel internationally teaching about how we all have innate psychic abilities and how we can get in touch with that part of our being.

We have been entertained and touched by the teachings of Alan Cohen. In his work, Dare to Be Yourself, Alan shares his wisdom of how to let go of your old beliefs and limits in order to claim the strength and love you deserve. Alan has a special way of relating his profound messages in an eloquent, gentle and profound way.

In his works Many Lives, Many Masters and Same Soul, Many Bodies Dr. Brian Weiss explores the past lives of his patients. As a traditional psychotherapist Dr. Weiss was at first skeptical of his findings but has now become one of the first doctors to explore past lives as a means of therapy. He has been influential in helping individuals understand the relationship of their past lives from the perspective of their current lifetime.

In his book The God Code, Gregg Braden shares his life-changing discovery of how the name of God is encoded into each and every human body, regardless of your religious beliefs. With his scientific background from a successful career in aerospace Gregg explores his theories in a methodical way that challenges current thinking. His work encourages its readers to open their minds to new possibilities and new ways of thinking.

We have found that if we are challenged in choosing the best thoughts to ultimately reach for better feelings that there are wonderful methods to assist us. One of these methods is Holosync developed by Bill Harris at Centerpointe. With these audio recordings you can achieve deep meditative states and over time rewire negative mind patterns. His technology has been incorporated into personal development products from others, including programs from Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies.

Another method is Hale Dwoskin's The Sedona Method, which teaches us to safely release negative emotions that block us from higher levels of being.

Gary Zukav has led us on some intriguing explorations with his books such as The Seat of the Soul and his older work The Dancing Wu Li Masters. His work with "authentic power" and spiritual partnerships are a practical inspiration to many.

A lot of what we are about has a spiritual origin. Laura Day has a more practical approach in her work Practical Intuition, which teaches us how to access our sixth sense in a step-by-step way. Her work The Circle is more similar to other's work about the Law of Attraction, teaching us that we are all co-creating our realities together, each moment.

Bobbie Stevens also teaches that we create our own experience. With her “seven step creative process”, illuminated in Unlimited Futures, we can condition ourselves to receive intuitive guidance once we have decided on what we want and have visualized it.

For the creative type (and we believe that all of us are creative) Julia Cameron offers practical plans to nurture and grow as artists through her books, including her best known The Artist’s Way. Julia emphasizes having a daily routine to get in touch with your artist self and making “artist dates” with yourself to incorporate art into your schedule rather than always putting it off for a future date.

And for sheer inspiration the work of Neale Donald Walsh in his Conversations With God series has inspired and uplifted us.


Jewel, Jack Johnson, Mark Stanton Welch, Sarah McLachlan, Jagger Cook, Steven Halpern, U2, Michael Buble, Randy Coleman


The Secret, Contact, Love Actually, Almost Famous, The Princess Bride, Peaceful Warrior, Field of Dreams, Celestine Prophecy, It's a Wonderful Life, What the Bleep Do We Know


Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman, Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ask and It is Given by Jerry & Ester Hicks, The Lightworkers Way by Doreen Virtue, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron


This video shows the power of a simple idea. Can you imagine the feeling of walking out your door in the morning and not knowing what perfect stranger would be hugging you today? Enjoy the video...and spread the love!

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